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    There's nothing an insurance agent likes more than someone who'll never die, and can keep paying premiums.

    So Disney got rid of the team who wrote "King of the Swingers" and replaced them with that "Whole New World" dreck?

    Whcih of his many Mary Poppins accents are you talking about?

    The US networks obviously have not learned their lesson about transplanting British sitcoms.  For every Sanford and Son there's a million Men Behaving Badly.

    Are there no beautiful lawyers anymore?

    Are these my feet?

    Who's the modern equivalent of Basil Rathbone?

    Specifically, they call a picture of Charlie Sheen in shorts and a leather jacket, sitting on a motorcycle, "intellectual property".

    It was the rubber underpants that made "300" gay.  It would have been less gay if they had been naked.

    Yeah, it's always amazing how each party witters on about abuse of presidential power - when they don't have it.

    "Oh God, don't smile!"
    "…..Why are you smiling, Mr O'Reilly?"

    That picture is the problem - I've been spending weeks looking for the "OW" channel, until Oprah finally instructed m what to do.

    At least a cut throat isn't going to affect her singing; marriage, on the other hand…

    So ladies, your only choice is lawyer douchebag or hipster douchebag.  That should make things easier for you.

    Well my neighbor is always out doing yardwork early on Saturday morning, so I think you have the better deal, SS.

    Is Ben Wheatley any relation to Denis Wheatley?

    No support for the theory that Wallis was genetically male?

    Not everything has to be bullet points; this isn't a powerpoint presentation.  If you can't follow a sentence with a couple of subordinate clauses, hard cheese.

    If I were a billionaire superhero/villain, I hope I'd do something more worthwhile than saving the Winter Olympics.  For fuck's sake.

    American Judy takes a strange turn at the end of the first season when she is beaten senseless by a hooknosed man wielding a baseball bat and screeching "that's the way to do it!"