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    No, the Hayes code allowed visible penis so long as you kept one foot (=12 inches)  on the floor at all times.

    I think it was "edgy" more than "gritty".  Sounds less painful all around.

    Come on, Nathan; stop sitting on the fence and tell us what you really thought about The Words

    And you laughed at Sarah Palin when she wanted to machine-gun them from a helicopter.

    She was also in the good (i.e. non-Paltrow) Emma, as Emma (with Mark Strong as Mr Knightley, as my better half always points out), but that was in 1996, and since then a lot of crap has flowed under the bridge.

    Hey, I didn't know liking twice was unliking!  Now I do.

    Pixellating genitals doesn't prevent the spread of STDs, even in Japan.

    Santorum still up there, ready for South Carolina

    Only 116, but they were all listening to "Driving in My Car" by Madness, which explains not being aware of the cars honking IRL.

    The thing I really disliked about the first FF film was they took the Human Torch, who's supposed to be a cocky young guy constantly bantering with the Thing, and turned him into a complete, raging asshole.  Mind you, I haven't read the FF comics for years, so I don't know if they've made Johnny Storm more "gritty",

    So - Vampires in Space?

    In the interest of full disclosure, I went to the same school as James Joyce, although he was a few years behind me and we never interacted, apart from the notorious "Nighttown" incident.

    "one of the main stories will be about him trying to help his fictional teenage daughter mature into a woman"

    Mormon missionary, actually.  Given that much of Romney's NH victory speech was given over to ranting about the evil Obama wanting to turn America into Europe, obviously his lack of converts in France has soured his worldview.

    Thomas More: Vampire Hunter.  OK NBC, you do the rest.

    'Allo Mrs Gorilla!
    What you got there?
    A piston engine!

    Simple.  Ted has a sex change, Bob Saget is his/her future husband.  End of story.

    Does she have enormous teeth and tiny, non-functioning arms?

    Get Cookie Monster to host the Oscars.  Then they could stop after 10 minutes because he ate all the envelopes.

    I think we need more snobs-v-slobs exorcism movie dialogue.  Here's my contribution: