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    Let's all say the magic words together:
    2) Rone
    3) Zconcr matesch
    4) Soliduty

    What's next?  "Play-Doh: Rise of the Gluten Allergy"?

    So your star sign is Jewmini?

    It looks like "Anger Management" has become "Shut up, Bitch!"

    All they have to do is tape a sticker with "ishness" (and a couple of extra spaces) over the "-sacrifice" part and they could avoid pulping literally dozens of backorders.

    Well, they're not allowed to eat people nowadays.

    So he's the modern Anthony Quinn?

    And we were only just talking about great TV themes. Crossroads just summons up late afternoons in the late sixties.  That and the saint.

    You can always rely on
    The kindness of Goethe….

    Matrix penis, apparently

    One take on the "bafflingly lowbrow" humour in Faustus is that it's part of the point.  Here's this guy who has sold his soul for the ability to do whatever he wants, and whatever he wants turns out to be largely shallow crap - seeing Helen of Troy, throwing fireworks at the Pope, getting laid, getting money.  Of

    At any point do we get the line "either this woman is dead or my watch has stopped"?  Because that would be funny.

    Is harming yourself for profit still OK?  Because that's the basis of most reality TV.  (and a lot of professional sport).

    So you're all-powerful, Evil Robot Virginia Woolf?  I bet you can't put stones in your pockets and walk into this river!

    Looks like Sean's replaced his traditional giant "NO" with a giant "OW" on the top picture.  Which is entirely appropriate.

    The Edge is trying to look at the inside of his hat without taking it off

    He hatches a plan to kidnap Roo to force Kanga out because she's a "different kind of animal".  OK, speciesist.

    Rabbit will be exactly as he is in the books; i.e. a secretive, racist asshole.

    He's pining for the fjords!

    Think of the box-office numbers they could have got if they had stuck with the original title "Convent Girl Ball Control".