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    saving the world from Samurai Vampire Unicorns

    The "Shirtless, hairy-bellied man" may actually be a Wendigo, using its mysterious powers to keep Canada free of the wrong kind of Shias.

    But does ScarJo have a magical finger?

    A pardonable miscalculation: the IRS is actually a tax-collection agency, not a professional whack-a-mole league,

    Was there enough left over to fill twelve baskets?

    All Quiet on the Western Front?  The move from jingoism to basic training to the reality of the front, then the trip home, then the ending…

    Surely using Girl Scouts as reasearch subjects is illegal?  I thought it was ll done on dogs or bunnies or apes of some kind.

    Frank Darabont's original screenplay was obscured by a number of mysterious stains.

    What about growing annoyance instead of panic?  Not with AVC, but with fucking Disqus.  I still constantly get: "Warning: A browser setting is preventing you from logging in. Fix this setting to log in"
    over the comments section, even though I'm logged in.  I've followed the "fix this setting"

    Either your mother's vagina is really huge, or you are very small?

    Don't trust the badinage in Apartment 23.

    It's nice the way the final quote makes it clear that he's the real victim.

    What about Joyce?  Apart from a play and a collection of poems, neither of which anyone reads, and an unreadable novel, his reputation is based on only two novels, Ulysses and Portrait of the Artist, and a collection of short stories.  If the criterion is "influential" he should be on the list.

    Was "For No-one" just too obvious?  It's the first one that I thought of.

    It certainly is.  It is not possible, however, to get a decent job out of it. 

    All I get out of this is that Clint Eastwood and Beyonce are having a baby.  Isn't that nice?

    Yes!  Yes!  I did it!  And I'm glad, I tell you!  Glad!

    Do they at least know about the Global War on Terriers?

    Sean, I hope you have a reliable method for determining the presence of urine in those lattes.  Not that I've ever done anything like that myself.

    Nocock Holmes and Dr Watdaughter