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    Bangor is in Co Down, and the farmer is a DUP member of the local council, so he's almost certainly Calvinist and Rihanna's tits were predestined not to be exposed in his Godly fields of grain.

    Vaginas for some, small American penises for others!

    Who's going to play the sassy black Mrs Hudson character?

    In America we have abolished child abuse, poverty, crime, prostitution, slums and incompetent bureaucrats.

    My sister, after her hysterectomy, was basically told to lie down for 6 weeks until her abdominal muscles healed up (these were the days before keyhole surgery).  She developed what she herself admits was an unhealthy addiction to Judge Judy over that period.  So that's part of the demographic - people who can't get

    No, it's sex-reversed, so: Mel Gibson as Nancy!

    Would it be OK to moon her?

    Should we interpret anything into the fact that these reviews are headed by a photo of a horse's ass in a fog?

    How do you manage to see 5 films each in one day and not get overloaded?

    If I only see one kid-dying-cinematically-of-cancer film this year, which one should I see?

    Religion for the Pope is like, say, cookies for some people - a means of sexual sublimation.

    Someone should tell the cast they shouldn't be standing so close to that unguarded 2 foot wall, particularly the girls in high heels.  Unless they can fly?

    Syfy really splurged on the photoshopping for this, didn't they?

    You missed the scene where they all get back to their apartment, bolt the door… then there's a click of a lighter and you see the shark sitting in the armchair inhaling on his cigarette.

    Is that Gar Public or Gar Private?

    Then Wikipedia is wrong (shock horror, I know).  It means "Lick me in/on the arse"  It's a pretty common insult in German

    Behold!  The denizens of your dream city!

    How is she Nordic?  Are the Welsh Nordic now?

    MPDGWs are willing to overlook the whole alien-with-prosthetic-penis aspect?  Why did no-one tell me this?

    Zelazny has a short story where his word processor becomes conscious and starts fucking around with his work, meanwhile  joking about all his plots being about a guy dealing with his (semi) divinity.