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    Woohoo!  Little-girl-trampling ahead!

    He's a funny foreigner from funny foreignerland. It doesn't really matter, this is Hollywood.

    I, for one
    welcome our new Nolan Sisters Overlords

    It's a bit disconcerting
    to see chunks of "Me left me cookie at the disco" in there. Or maybe CM does have 70's flashbacks during his episodes of religious paranoia.

    Even in the world of pointless post-breakup lawsuits
    The Beatles did it first and a thousand times better.

    Would it not be simpler
    to legalise an open season on C and lower-list celebs?

    I think this would bump it up to "R" if not "NC-17"
    "Sam…entering portly male nurse Tiny"

    I would call her Kinka Melly by accident, then pretend it had never happened.

    Hollywood kisses Obama's ass
    Shock Horror!

    Smurfette: The Accused

    If only the AV club
    Could revive the rotting components of this website into some kind of unified, breathing whole.

    How about "The Fall and Rise of the Planet of the Apes"
    Starring a motion-capture reanimated Leonard Rossiter as a depressed middle-manageape who travels back in time to alter history - only to discover that everything (SPOILER ALERT!) turns out exactly the same.

    Answer: Fucking. Like a chimpanzee in heat.

    He may be made an offer he can't refuse
    If the Bonanno family hear about this.

    He's making an effort
    to get it down to "Five degrees of Kevin Bacon".

    Judging from the still up top
    Are they going to lynch the aliens?

    All I know is I see a lot of women with Thor wallpaper on their computers. You may not be a women for all I know.

    I save time by giving them my underpants - blood, urine, sweat, faeces and semen.

    Wiener-eating contests?

    Huhuhuh, you said "one-shot".