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    -Well, speaking personally, I'd annex the Sudetenland

    Strictly PLatonic MPDG
    So the iron law of Hollywood is preserved: let there be no interracial sexual attraction of any kind!

    I didn't even know there was an Irish CIA
    never mind that they were involved in the Iran hostage crisis. It would explain a lot if Charlie Haughey was really responsible for Iran-Contra.

    What's a "Sheen insider"?
    Someone who's been inside Sheen (tapeworm, secret gay lover), or someone Sheen's been inside (pron family member, secret gay lover)?

    If you liked "300", you think that the only things Classical Greece lacked were rubber underpants and slo-mo.

    Why is a male character called "Mater"

    HDB seems to be living in a Woody Allen movie (not one of the good ones) about a New Yorker with a fantabulous income who keeps whingeing about his "problems".

    For Fuck's Sake!
    Not another: self-involved-asshole-dad-gets-in-touch-with-his-inner-child-and-reunites-his-family movie.

    If you want to be my director
    First you got to be my friend

    Have you got
    The Ruinettes sing Mediaeval Agrarian History?

    For it to be defamation it wuld have to be
    1) Untrue
    2) Unfair
    3) Likely to lead to hatred, ridicule or contempt and
    4) Not in the public interest.

    Note to DS
    The Harry Potter thing is over. You can't be Dumbledore now.

    Hang on a second!
    MASH was ANTI-war? Thank you Ben Shapiro for opening my eyes!

    That's my life, apart from this "talking" thing.

    No. Nobody except you.

    His parents are already dead, so no.

    Hopping in bed or hopping into bed?
    Well, on mature reconsideration, they're both silly.

    Well it's a good idea
    If sharks would get rid of those fucking jetskiers. I don't think it's really practical, however. Maybe piranhas?

    How could you tell he was giving the kids clap?

    Are they Manic Pixellated Dream Girls?