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    I'm Hitler! and so is my wife!
    Can we count on the world's directors for an "I'm Spartacus" moment?

    Seal Team 6: first draft
    Bambi is working in image analysis for the CIA and, unknown to his superiors, does a frame-by-frame examination of recently found footage which proves that Bin Laden killed his mother (note to self: paint turban and beard onto figure of hunter). Enraged, he assembles a team consisting of

    But what about the new serial killer series
    The Dismemberer?

    From the plot synopsis, the TV show character's father is gay.

    I've said it before - COCKNEYS ARE NOT A RACE! They're a result of nurture, not nature.

    It's Sapiens to be Homo!
    Burgess ended up in development hell a lot. Sophia Loren was lined up for The Wanting Seed for a while but it never went into production. Burgess blamed "Soylent Green" for queering his pitch and pretty publicly blamed Harry Harrison for ripping him off, which led to HH showing up drunk at

    Re unpublished scripts
    Burgess once said that most of the real money he made in his life was for writing scripts for movies that never got made. Novel-writing never really paid but he did a lot of reviewing and article-writing in order to keep food on the table.

    Isn't that Mongo, or does Conan do it too?

    Why not combine all three movies
    Liberace likes to watch the men from UNCLE stripping?

    I used to have to visit Ocala a lot. Apparently it has one of the highest suicide rates in the US. Presumably not all E-One employees.

    Has Christopher Lee got over Peter Jackson's fucking up of the death of Saruman? He was pretty pissed off at the time, and I don't blame him.

    Also it means that the hero doesn't have to deliberately kill anyone.

    A principled WHAT?
    Oh… Count.

    ^ Bravo

    Were Union soldiers realy that jowly at the end of the war?
    The guy in the foreground looks like he's been fighting Johnny Reb from the safety of Burger King.

    All of the above - public access to whores with inserted drug beads - the new American currency

    The Martian on the right
    seems to have taken the phrase "giving head" literally.

    Fans of Bach only have sex to prove musical talent is genetic.

    James Franco
    Star of the Rise of the Planet of the Apes on the nest on the twig on the branch on the bough on the tree in the bog down in the valley-o.

    Apes not in clothes!