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    "one of the few remaining entertainment holes that does not have trophies stuffed into it on a regular basis"
    TMI, Sean. TMI.

    I'll say it:

    British Tabloids
    are already cuing up their "Jamie Bulger shock horror killer remake" stories.

    Are you free, Mr Humphries?

    @Idiotking: Tolkien by that stage was getting annoyed with people asserting that "The Lord of the Rings" was an allegory of the second world war. As he said himself, for that to be true, the powers of the West wouldn't have destroyed the ring, they would have used it, and Saruman would have survived by completing

    I just re-read the Big Sleep and now I'm going to have to watch the film again. The plot of the book makes sense, pretty much. I think the plot of the film was re-written in part to make it a vehicle for Bogart and Bacall, who had just become an item (the trailers on the DVD are all "It's THAT MAN — with THAT

    I actually read "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" last of all the books (because my older brother had an incomplete set). I had really enjoyed them (especially Prince Caspian and Dawn Treader) and had vaguely realised that Aslan and the Emperor-over-Sea were related to God in some way, but I remember being

    "Would you like a cup of tea, Spider-Man?"

    How much diving do we see?
    Eh? Eh?

    What a coincidence! In the remake they're also going bankrupt and getting their asses handed to them in Afghanistan!

    I saw it at the dollar theatre and it was definitely worth a dollar. Colin Farrell was great, Jennifer Garner was good, Ben Affleck was terrible.

    Does the Shark find Jesus? And bite him?

    And so the O'Neal -v- Gillette conflict escalates to a new level. Will no-one shout stop?

    Kevin Costner is my baseline for charisma-free. His first major role was playing a corpse, and he went on to portray a pee-drinking man-fish, "Robin Hood" in the Sheriff of Nottingham movie, a post-apocalyptic mailman, an admirer of noble savages and a golfer .

    a beautiful organic event that happened at a point in time when it was really needed
    I also managed to time my shit before my shower this morning.

    So did they get rid of Father Abraham?
    Don't they know that the Jews are responsible for all the Smurfs in the world?

    And before anybody starts, my apologies for the run-on sentence.

    He doesn't insult Ireland for not being a major country, he queries why the aliens would land in Dingle instead of beside a major city. My guess is that they've seen "Ryan's Daughter" and want to take revenge.

    So lawyers are reincarnated as owls? That's disappointing; I was hoping it would be some kind of loathsome invertebrate.

    I dunno. Beating his ex-wives didn't prevent him taping the show, since he didn't go to jail. Cocaine-fueled derangement probably did, or significantly upped their commercial risk.