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    "Aubrey" is female?
    You must enter a comment, apparently.

    Typical Russians, blaming the Poles.

    Hey-hey-hey hey! First you try to take Fassbender away from us, then you try to pass Gibson onto us. We didn't fight 800 years of English oppression in order to exchange it for US imperialism.

    The Tonys
    Is there an award for "best actor in an unsupported role"?

    Three little words
    Al. Co. Hol.

    You were turning your head around 180 degrees.

    That picture has changed my perception of Warlocks forever. Up till now, I didn't think they could be flabby.

    When did he find out that it wasn't the Nazis who killed his mother, but HIS OWN GOVERNMENT?????

    @bungle77 - I think they must have known they sex at least once before pregnancy occurred.

    "Magic and Poetry at my fingertips"
    So "magic and poetry" = cocaine residue, sweat and stale K-Y?

    Queen Latifah and Bono (gritty reboot = gender reversal)

    Whitney Houston or is there an endless freight train blocking the level crossing again?

    Difficult to see how they could remake soapdish
    because there would have to be NO INCEST!!!!!

    Soapdish 2: Don't Bend Over

    He ans Superman save the noble savages from the evil Americans?

    It has to be said
    I, for one, welcome our new, buxom, overlords.

    All they had to do to make Detroit look post-apocalyptic was to wash it down.

    This "hungry" editor
    better not get sick as well.

    Spiderman: please call 911!

    That was one of the many things I hated about 300. The film actually spent a few minutes setting up the fact that the Spartans could hold a defensive position against much bigger numbers by staying in a phalanx and letting the enemy attack them. Nevertheless, once the film's action moves to Thermopylae, Leonidas and