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    Not very popular around here, sir

    Two dildos enter, but only one will leave.

    The other important lesson from "Casablanca"
    Is that it's important to have a good buddy you can flee to Congo-Brazzaville with immediately after the breakup and before the Nazis catch you.

    Nobody went to school on Wednesday, we all had to stay at home, because of ice.

    I would have been more correct in saying "Van Helsing without the laugh".

    Not "so bad it's funny" enough to make it worth watching but I laughed out loud at the silhouetted werewolf with a big hypodermic sticking out of its thigh.

    So it's "Van Helsing"
    but without the laughs?

    "Ten and eleven year olds find it quite comforting knowing who is good and who is bad and that the hero will win."

    Biastioc's proposed "Fantastic Four: NO INCEST!!!" is shaping up to be a hit, particularly the Reed Richards tentacle scenes.

    That picture prompts the question
    Has anyone ever seen Olbermann and Glenn Beck in the same room?

    I'm not a racist, but
    I still can't see Samuel Jackson as Steed. Wouldn't he look a bit silly in a bowler hat?

    I'm amazed anyone could eat this with their eyes open
    the photo on the top right looks like an unflushed toilet.

    OK, I was believing you up till "Robyn Rikoon"
    but now I know you're just making up these reviews of imaginary films.


    So where does "Latino" come from? If it's a speaker of a Latin-based language then it also covers French, Italian, Romanian and 50% of English, so restricting it to Spanish and Portuguese speakers makes no sense at all.

    He needs to shapeshift back into his bear form.

    Jesus: Phony Friend

    You blocks! You stones! You cruel nerds of Rome!
    Knew you not Stan Lee?

    @Wolfman'srazor - all you need is an evil Count and you've got the plot of the Woman in White.

    I was wondering what the hell
    a marriage-inducing fall was. Then I reread the sentence. Oh.