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    Where's the rest of the interview?


    Rabin gets the so-bad-it's-good movies which mostly turn out not to be good.

    Given Swift's obsession with scatology
    Jack Black's towering 3D asshole may actually be thematically relevant. In this version, does Gulliver douse the fire in the palace in Lilliput by pissing on it?

    Pretty much anyone old enough to have fought in WWII hates the Japanese, unless they're Japanese

    Is STOP supposed to be set in the future?
    When was the Irish Army involved in Armageddon? Their stint in the Middle East was one UNIFIL battalion occasionally getting shot at by the SLA or the Israelis.

    Most people who have more than one child have to raise them simultaneously
    Generally, alternating the one which gets raised and the one that gets locked in a cage in the cellar is frowned upon.

    There is now a class of things called "a Tron movie"?

    To get this thread back on track:

    Surely Cunnilingus on C-listers would be better for all concerned?

    @Sommalian Sommelier - Verainio was talking about Horse and his Boy. I've been wondering as well how on Earth they're going to deal with the Calormenes, who are basically a thinly disguised Ottoman Empire, without being condemned (or, Gawd help us, praised by some) for being anti-muslim. All the stuff about

    Trying to think of a worse title than Terriers:PI
    Terriers SBU: Special Bitches Unit
    CSI Dogtown
    Terriers: actually about private eyes, not dogs
    Not Chief Wiggum: PI
    Terriers -v Poodles: Requiem

    The Chieftains opened for the Rolling Stones. Or maybe it was the other way around - it was a long time ago.

    Did the beaver blow him first?

    Now I have an image of Cookie Monster's eyes spinning around whenever Mila Kunis appears on screen.

    Gritty Reboots
    How long until "Benji -v- Lassie: Requiem"?

    Springtime for Hitler and Germany!
    Winter for Bono and Taste!

    So, Cookie Monster, you're saying that Oswald was only a puppet?

    Sign of the coming Apocalypse?
    If he moves from giving all his money to the poor to curing lepers and raising the dead, I'm going to get really worried.

    That Hideous Strength?
    Complete with evil lesbian police chief and bloodbath ending?