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    Hed may be enjoying the poly relationship but I'm sure the parrot is less enthusiastic.

    Title suggestion
    The penguin has wings!

    "A robot shall not harm a human being, or by inaction cause a human being to come."

    So there are TWO sexes now?

    There are websites where you can get schoolmistress scolding done by competent professionals. We don't need the NY Times's amateurish attempts.

    So Saoirse Ronan plays the girl?
    Wait a minute - there isn't one!

    Cookie Monster is too modest to suggest himself, but let's face it, his double-acts with Kermit were what made classic Sesame Street classic. Who hasn't secretly wanted him to destroy a rectangle, dismember the letter B, eat a pickup truck, or most of all stuff himself with delicious COOKIES while crumbs fly wantonly

    He may be a fat asshole
    But does he have a wife with obviously fake tits? The laws of television decree it.

    The logic of the book is pretty clear (Spoilers for anyone who hasn't read a 50+-year-old SF classic).

    Well worth a read. The book doesn't suffer from the main drawback of the film versions - how to make giant carnivorous plants look convincing on screen. Also it doesn't have the ridiculous copout ending of the 1962 film.

    "wedding live action to CGI"
    Is "wedding" kind of a euphemism here?

    It's Australia now, but next time it'll be Sharia!

    I tghink they need to get rid of the "Romeo" and "Juliet" characters
    and rename it "Friar Lawrence: Love Detective"

    I know that Irish-Americans in general don't have much of a clue about Ireland, but the Book of Kells is the one thing that every American tourist in Ireland goes to see - there's busloads of them going through Trinity all the time. So it's not exactly obscure.

    Why did it never get a US release
    Given that it was Oscar-nominated and most people who have actually seen it seem to have liked it? There are enough Irish-Americans to create some kind of an audience, surely?

    Whatever you do, don't cross the IHOP-Waffle House Line!

    There's no point asking the marketing department
    Marketing is gay!

    So is ZG the Manic Pixie Dream Girl equivalent?
    And if so what would that be - the Depressive Golem Nightmare Man?

    Is "ride the Ferris wheel" some kind of lesbian code?

    @Enkidum: by "other actors" you mean money, right?