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    Hitler wasn't gay; he had an affair with his niece, which makes him officially worse than Biastioc.

    That only happens in the circle of the sodomites. Not many kids' birthday parties there.

    It's just the pose - central female figure, full-face, gesturing towards herself, figures in profile on either side. I'm not sure if it's the Assumption of Tasha or Tasha in Ecstasy.

    If it makes you feel better, Tasha in the Backyardigans is a yellow hippo. With red shoes. Maybe that doesn't make you feel better; if so, I apologise.

    Maybe I've been looking at too much religious art
    but Tasha looks likes she's about to levitate in that picture.

    I think the events of YSH are supposed to have changed Holmes from an eager boy adventurer into a misanthropic adult, but it's a long time since I saw it.

    Let's start small: God, make Happy-Go-Lucky stop double posting. Now let's wait for the miracle to happen.

    Who cares if they're mostly unsubstantiated?
    So long as they REALLY ARE mildly scandalous. America demands moderate salaciousness now!

    Take out the ending and the Poodles of Evil and it's great.

    Classic Novels:
    Far from the Madding Predator
    Jude the Obscure Predator
    Tess of the Predators
    Predator Nickleby
    The Predator Papers
    Return of the Native Predator
    The Good Soldier -v- the Predator
    Lady Chatterly's Predator
    The Scarlet Letter: Predator -v- Puritan
    The Fall of the House of Usher to Predators

    Just tell her to shut up. Then you can pretend she likes The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, and everything will be OK. That's based on my years of successful relationship advice.

    The Predator Trap
    The Great Predator Caper
    Little Predators
    Dancing with Predators
    Buffalo Bill and the Predators
    The Six Wives of Henry the Predator
    No Way to Treat a Predator
    My Predator Godfrey
    All Predators on the Western Front
    Citizen Predator
    The Magnificent Predators
    The Loneliness of the Long Distance Predator

    For the kids:
    101 Predators
    Harry and the Predators
    The Predators take Manhattan
    A Predator for All Seasons
    Sleeping Predator
    Predator! Predator! Predator!
    The Sound of Predating
    The Lion, the Witch and the Predator
    Predator Twist
    Predator - v- Predator
    Kung Fu Predator
    The Predator Bride

    So you're saying that monogamy isn't for everyone in CGI animation?

    Or "There is nothing like a cranium".

    Monty Pythin Contains Everything
    Why does the Sam Peckinpah version of "Salad Days" come to mind?

    Troy McClure as the Prince
    After all, he already sleeps with the fishes.

    Suicide Ending?
    Another element that Uncle Walt decided to leave out.

    At what point will she finally realise she's been dead all along?

    There's a gentleman who's back in town
    Turnin' the joint
    Upside Down!
    Stooool Sample!