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    It's twilight mania!
    I have a friend who has seen Eclipse 4 times already. First the midnight premiere with her daughter, then another showing with her work pals, then she dragged her husband to see it, and last night got my better half to go along with her. (BH still doesn't understand why the "bad" vampires turn

    George Clooney - America's Heterosexual-in-Chief.

    I'm assuming the villain isn't called Robespierre?

    You're probably right, trying to remember the names of the Senators probably is a good way of postponing orgasm.

    Lily Allen was trapped to write this?
    Ohhhhh "tapped"

    You failed to mention Piers Morgan's long-standing nickname of "Piers Moron", apparently well-deserved. Yet another qualification for cable news show hosting?

    They name the daughter after Captain Hook's sidekick?

    So long as the zoos don't start a TwiMom breeding program, I think we're going to be OK.

    That's a relief; I was afraid work was blocking my surfing and I was going to get a visit from IT.

    So Phel escaped from Prison Wine's apartment already?

    They could have become a folk group
    You say party, we say diddly-idle-eye

    They could have become a folk group
    You say party, we say diddly-idle-eye

    She was de Valera in Michael Collins, hence the otherworldliness.

    Not necessarily - it's a comic book, so she can follow the pictures.

    "I've never written the movies & tv shows I've been apart of I've only acted like the characters the producers or directors wanted me to play."

    What, from room-temp fahrenheit to room-temp celsius?

    If Hitler wanted to produce a master race he should have used his powerful thrusting intentions on someone other than his niece.

    Remake Callan. Even more shitting-all-over.

    @Idiotking: No need to bring your gay lingo here to sully the reputation of the Painter of Light (TM)

    Jon Pertwee, you fools!