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    Schindler's List 2: The Secret of the Jews

    Taken 2: Roughly from Behind

    Title suggestion
    Friends without Benefits: The Revenge of Gunther

    Now cold.

    "Making your own Arrangements"
    So that's what it means!

    Peter Jackson removed the Scouring of the Shire, which removed the big buildup to the death of Saruman, so then he had to make up a half-assed death of Saruman scene, which he then cut out. And this after spending the first two movies building up Saruman as the main bad guy. Don't get me wrong, I like the movies and

    Cookie monster running a major network would be 1000 times better than the cokie monsters who run them now. Also it would be a significant improvement to have a CEO who will literally chew the scenery when required.

    Maybe they could teach you how to use that clicker-thingy you have in front of you there.

    Watch out Tina!
    Reviewing the list, it consists of people who never were funny, people who used to be funny, people who are dead, and Bob Newhart. Since Tina Fey is unlikely to turn into Newhart, I fear for her future.

    I'm not sure about the "WBC makes money by suing people who beat them up" idea. That only really works if you get beaten up by people or organisations with lots of money. There wouldn't be much money in suing the average teenage metalhead, I would think. Also I can't believe that any normal civil jury would award

    at least the fanfics resolve important questions, such as who was Grendel's father, and what people did with all those rings Hrothgar gave them

    Swords at dawn
    it's the only way we can have closure (and death).

    Apes! Apes without classical educations!

    Gandhi II: Reincarnation Boogaloo

    So long as
    She's not getting back in touch with her inner fucking child, all may be well.

    Let's cut to the chase
    Who's going to play Gagool? And how are they going to deal with the racial aspects (not, I suspect)?

    Obligatory comment
    How do you know he's a king?

    My Hero
    but in America?

    Biatioc, Is that you?

    I don't know anything about Twitter
    but is it really possible to shit on it? If so, I'm in!