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    They've already got Claudius, they don't want Augustus as well. Or if they do they have to add John Hurt for the whole megalomania-incest-blondie wig angle.

    Miss Tila?
    Surely you mean "hit Tila"?

    ' "Transformers" not Shakespeare, claims AV Club Commenter'

    System-smashing breasts?
    Tell me more.

    Apes! Apes in Clothes!
    Not really, they're just some kind of crappy special effect.

    I don't know why you're complaining
    The bit about the psychiatrist hanging himself made me laugh my ass off. Maybe the problem is you, Christian Williams, if that is your real name,

    @Stuff n Fluff

    I think any version Robin Hood has to be judged on a scale based on the 1938 Errol Flynn -Olivia de Havilland -Basil Rathbone picture. A Marmaduke-based scale is worthless.

    A guy walks into a bar and orders a double whiskey. He drinks it down and immediately orders another one. Does the same, and orders a third. The barman is getting a bit worried and asks him why he's drinking so fast. The guy says " I just had my first blowjob". "Oh, so you're celebrating" says the barman.

    @DP Airbag: was the gleet report a show-and-tell?

    Fun Fact!
    According to the always-reliable Wikipedia:

    Morse wasn't "written out". John Thaw died and they had to kill off the character.

    No dancing Hitlers today, only singing Hitlers.

    I'm proud of you fellows
    87 posts and Uranus only got mentioned once. That's maturity!

    Wolves Wolves Wolves!
    Howling at the moon!
    Wolves Wolves Wolves!
    Even though it's June!

    Was there a sombrro-wearing mouse jumping up and down and saying "Andale Andale!"

    Sexually Transmitted Disease and the City 2: The Secret of the Ooze

    He has a choice
    either eat the sausage or the olive

    and then we could have
    Revenge-Clit 2: Vaginal Boogaloo
    Revenge-Clit 3: The Secret of the Cooze
