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    I thought she was a slapper, not a slappee

    "Kriemhild's Revenge" is a good one since by the end you're actually feeling sympathy for Hagen as he goes up in smoke even though he's been such a bastard. Of course it helps to be a really bad bastard with one eye and a cool helmet. And you can always root for Gunther getting roasted, he's such a slimeball.

    In a way
    aren't all movies "prostitution movies"?

    Helen Mirren getting her kit off
    is no longer the enticing prospect it used to be.

    I don't think anyone's brought this one up
    Once you have a kid around the house you have to ensure that whatever they are looking at is something you will be willing to look at many, many times. Because you will be forced to look at it many, many times.

    So what does the Gov mean?
    Is he saying that rednecks aren't decent, creative and hard-working, or that Australians aren't? Sounds prejudiced to me.

    Ferguson is the only chat-show host who appears to like the chatting-to-guests part, and it shows.

    OK Dogstyle, I know it's April 1. Can't fool me!

    Goldie Hawn, semen, the 1980s, comedy
    ….no, I'm not seeing the connection

    My dad had ballooned in middle age and was thus a huge Cannon fan. Obviously the intended demographic. My main memory of the show is William Conrad's unlikely action scenes where he would growl "I'll tear you apart!" while waddling towards some punk. Ah, childhood in the early seventies.

    1963, which makes me the same age as Penis Van Lesbian. Strangely, the first film I ever saw was "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". Now I know why PVL took that name.

    Phrases you don't want to see after you're dead: "He's no Costner".

    I think every one of you is wrong, actually.

    Scientology on a skewer?
    Doesn't sound very tasty. Lamb would be better.

    Ho Ho
    Sounds like it couldn't find its probable bottom with both hands.

    It's also not bestiality if you just happened to be opening your fly to piss in a field at night and the goat just happened to back into you at the moment when the police car just happened to be driving past.

    The "Very Special" episode of Taxi is easy; it's the one where Nardo catches Louie peeping into the ladies' toilet, and what ensues…

    Steve Martin defiled the work of Peter Sellers and Phil Silvers, both better comics than he.

    So, they had to give "Alice in Wonderland" a plot?
    And it had to be: grown-up rediscovering his/her inner child (while on a redemptive quest of some sort)?

    Any of them own a boat called "Live 4 Ever"