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    Sorry to tell you this, A&B, but _you're already dead_ and so is that "girl".

    Spoiler alert

    They're Already Dead!
    This becoming the standard twist ending makes a film version of "The Third Policeman" even less likely. On second thoughts, that's probably a good thing.

    So it's the movie version of Sanford and Son?

    This is my life:

    What's the next IMAX prequel?
    Nuremberg rally of the Penguins?

    God is going to be angry
    fobbed off with some fucking webcam? No way.

    Don, Donna, Donal, Daneal, Denise, Desi, Dottieā€¦ and Chris. Spot the foster kid.

    So who has the Gromit part in this?

    Since When
    has Ashton Kutcher been wildly overqualified for anything other than Bruce Willis's sloppy seconds?

    My takeaway from this
    Is that if you're white, you get herpes, if you're black, you get everything else. This seems hardly fair in our new, post-racial America.

    "Become your own Masturbator"? Isn't that kind of redundant?

    I liked Concorde until it crashed and blew up, thereby ending the era of supersonic commercial flight.

    Shock Horror, Wikipedia is wrong. In Ireland at any rate the event is universally known as the debs' dance (short for debutantes).

    " It's never an encouraging sign when the only impression a film leaves is that the lead actress has lovely breasts and looks much better naked than clothed."

    Refined Sugartits are probably bad for you.

    From the Scottish Attila the Hun to Brad Pitt's leavings. How our Gerard has fallen.

    Why did she hire a hitman? She could kill with the deathrays from those pupils.

    So I'm thinking
    this is nore a bi-opic rather than a bio-pic.

    Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (Here's A Hint: He's Really Fucking Short).
    After several days of reading AV club stonefaced, this was the line that completely cracked me up. Thanks, Nabin!