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    Spiderman Babies: The Phantom Menace
    I feel a huge wave of unenthusiasm coming on.

    Hold on there!
    The Amelia Earhart biopic actually starred Wankery Swill!

    Top Gun 2: Werewolf in a Plane

    No, the Cleveland show is a term for when you shit on someone during sex, or so I was told.

    Royaume Uni - nul points.

    Movie opens with Marmaduke waking up in a pile of (we hope) his own vomit. Being a dog, he eats it.

    Is that what Jews call it?

    I remember one of the early American interviews with Mandela after he was released, the reporter referred to him a couple of times as "African American". Apparently the reporter was so used to using the pc term for "black" that he couldn't stop doing it automatically. I think Mandela eventually had to remind him

    More appropriately
    Screw Conveyor of Love?

    Magical Fat Tape of Dune
    Is this what Baron Vladimir Harkonnen used to keep the antigrav units on?

    Shakespeare wrote Henry VI Parts 1, 2 and 3 and Richard III (play and three sequels), then Richard II, Henry IV parts 1 and 2 and Henry V (four prequels) and my guess is they all made money. So it's been going on a long time. Going back further you have Oedipus at Colonus, and even further you have the second book

    Dowd is a now-adult Holocaust survivor whose childhood subconscious produced the friendly giant white rabbit to help him deal with the trauma of the death camps. Harvey reappears when Dowd is threatened with commitment to a psychiatric hospital.

    So you've never seen Planet of the Apes?

    Liam Clancy RIP
    Among many other things, the last of the Clancy brothers and the inspiration for an obscure American folk singer called Zimmerman.

    Prexy is used as college slang in "Elmer Gantry", so if it's contemporary with Elmer's college days that would make it I think pre-WWI. Does anyone actually use it nowadays?

    I'm you.
    Your stupidness. Upside Down.

    To try and wrest this thread back onto topic - what the Twilight series really needs are Vamire Ewoks, agreed?

    It's the modern equivalent of the epistolary novel. Kind of like "Clarissa" except with not as much rape (I'm assuming).

    The fools! If only they'd titled it "Sons and Daughters - NO INCEST!!"

    None of them are run-on sentences. They are all sentences with a main clause and one, or more, subordinate clauses. A run-on sentence, or comma splice, is two or more sentences separated by a comma instead of a full stop, semi-colon or dash.