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    We continue to believe in the value of brand integrations and partnerships between brands, media companies and talent."
    Does that mean they're going to replace the Blue Screen of Death with the face of Peter Griffin, the least funny character in the known universe?

    This product is only useful
    If you shit on the back of your hand.

    Well I'm still waiting for Tyler Perry's 100 Days of Sodom.

    Scotland Yard don't have a goospel choir
    they're all fucking masons.

    Recruiting Sergeant Songs
    Mrs McGrath, Johnny I hardly knew ye, Arthur McBride. Maybe because Mrs McGrath was one of the first songs I learned at school.

    I hate "Fame"
    But obviously it is going to live for fucking ever

    Inquiring minds want to know
    Did Pucci return to his home planet? (or die on the way back)?

    Light rape is all of the alcohol but none of the calories.

    Also, "The Man in the High Castle" deserves all the kudos; read it first. "SS-GB" is supposed to be one of the few other good "Nazis-win-the-war" alternative histories.

    A Sale of Two Titties, Oliver's Twats, Prickwank Papers, Our Mutual Masturbation Friend, Knickerless Knockerboy and Master Humphrey's Cock are among the other Dickens porn titles we hear so little of nowadays. Did you really think Dickens was his original name?

    I don't think Gabriel Byrne needs satanic powers to get laid. Maybe for psychopyromania, but I think he can find a woman by himself.

    When can we get Commentary Tracks of the Damned Dirty Apes?

    Dougal! We are NOT watching Aliens!
    C'mon Ted, Bishops love Sci-Fi!

    Polevaulting, of course.

    Would he be like Hitler, Ted?

    I want to know what detergent they used
    That kept those armbands so clean for 65 years of snowbound zombiedom?

    Out of a misplaced sense of politeness she never asked you why you took multiple photos of your scrotum on her camera. She just told everyone else you were creepy and to be avoided.

    Fact-free science? All the facts you need are right there in the title - "Mega" and also "Giant".


    Also - there's never a good time to break this news - you're the clone and the other one is the real Lindsay Lohan. Sorry!