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    It's not a real Island!
    Don't go Lindsay! They're going to harvest your organs and give them to your twin from "The Parent Trap"!

    59. He rediscovers his inner child. She leaves

    for 54 …except Susan because she grows the fuck up. So, no Narnia heaven for her!

    16. They needn't have dragged that piano up the steps because there was a road.
    17. He finds out she's his mother, so he blinds himself and she commits suicide.
    18. He's in Hell, and has to repeat the story for eternity. De Selby may not be real.
    19. The Greeks win, but everyone prefers the Trojans.
    20. I, in fact, am

    I believe that his big problem in getting "The Third Policemen" published was that his firstnovel, "At Swim-Two-Birds" had been published in 1939, a bad year for a comic novel-within-a-novel-within-a-novel with lots of mythical characters and a complicated plot. To make it worse, most of the print run was destroyed

    How many times does she have to say it, Noel?
    She doesn't fucking want to sing! She never did fucking want to sing!

    Giant genetically modified omelettes!

    The parent-friendly part is obvious
    If, like most birds, they don't have penises.

    I can't believe they mentioned "The Equaliser" and left out Callan. I think it's difficult/expensive/impossible to get on DVD, however.

    What about
    "Treasure of the Sierra Madre". The first half hour or so has Bogie and Tim Holt as two down and out Americans during the great depression scrabbling for casual work in Mexico, then getting cheated out of their wages by their (American) boss. (And then beating the shit out of him in what is a very violent

    Madea goes to Jail II: Madea gets the Chair

    How come Biden but not Bearak Obama?

    Let the sequels begin
    Hung 2: Erectile Boogaloo
    Hung 3: The secret of the antibiotic-resistant ooze
    Hung 4: 4skin!

    and one unreasonable discussion
    So she divorced a guy even though he had an enormous prick? She really must be a lesbian.

    Wolfman 2: Electric Bugaboo
    Wolfman 3: The secret of the Arooooooooooooooooooos

    Wolfman and Superwolfman
    Wolfmanny Poppins
    Wolfmansfield Park
    My Fair Wolfman
    A Few Good Wolfmen
    Spiderwolfman III
    Little Big Wolfman
    The League of Extraordinary Wolfmen
    An Officer and a Wolfman
    Eat, Drink, Wolfman, Wolfwoman
    A Wolfman for All Seasons

    Poor Dickens
    What did he do to suffer the release of two shitty ripoffs of A Christmas Carol in the last 4 months?

    Fucking Yellowhammers!
    Who Cares?

    Muppetdaemmerung was a dramatic highlight, especially Kermit and Piggy's suicide pact in the bunker under the Reichsfroschlerei.

    The Dead
    I've always thought it was strange this isn't available on R1, for no other reason than that it's John Huston's last film. Several other reasons - great cast (Anjelica Huston, Donal McCann) - the only film version of one of Joyce's best known short stories, Frank Patterson singing - it covers a lot of bases.