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    Msterious areas
    I would like to shove the entire print run of this picture into Mr Kincade's hidden spaces. Anyone care to help?

    We're dying to know
    Who is the remaining virgin at the AV club - Phipps?

    All Together Now!
    Sit on my face, and tell me that you love me….

    This is "Once", except with the interesting parts taken out and replaced with teenagers?

    Toby Young in Film
    Isn't this the second time a thinly-disguised Toby Young has been the cause of a failed "comedy"? He was also apparently the basis of the obnoxious, drunken English prick of a reporter in "The Bonfire of the Vanities" who metamorphosed into the charming drunken American Bruce Willis reporter in the

    Great Dictators
    So Nathan, you're saying that this featured both Hitler and Stalin reincarnated as teenage girls and it still failed? Where's your Fuehrerprinzip now?

    It's not just black people. The current Republican VP candidate has children called Track, Trek, Trig, Trog, Trug and Bristols. I suppose Bristols is obvious rhyming slang but who knows where the other ones come from. Although she's supposed to be a super-Protestant, all these names sound satanic to me.

    Gable News Network
    Clark or roofs?

    with "Bright Lights, Big Trouble in Little China". the only cocaine-fuelled extravaganza of orientalism you'll ever need or want to see.

    Opportunity Fucking Knocks???
    Seriously, they're regurgitating late 1960's ITV? What's next, "The Golden Shot"?

    I can't stop thinking about
    being able to teleport to the toilet to take a shit. That would indeed be worthwhile superpower! Of course, the problem would be how to teleport yourself back into your pants afterwards.

    Classic Comment
    Why make a movie that makes no sense?" - as if that ever stopped anyone? Why make a movie that makes no money is a much bigger worry in Hollywood. Marshall seems to have scored on both counts here.

    of course I really meant
    an "otter" thing. Sorry.

    And anoter thing
    Despite the Ewings being supposedly richer than God, their house was just full of cheap crap. Where was the money supposed to be going?

    And anoter thing
    Despite the Ewings being supposedly richer than God, their house was just full of cheap crap. Where was the money supposed to be going?

    What I want to know about Kung Fu Panda is:
    Are they as fast as lightning? Just a little bit frightening, even?

    And another thing
    Another gift Eurovision has given mankind, as referenced in Dustin's song, is Riverdance, or "Fucking Riverdance" as I like to call it. So now you Americans may be able to start connecting the dots - Michael Flatley, Celine Dion …. unspeakable evil.

    This show was much better…
    when it was called "Sexy lisping redhead doesn't believe it!"

    The Keanu Reeves picture you're all thinking of is called "Mustard's Milkfloat"

    According to one of the earlier threads, the reanimated corpse of a long-dead character actor. This seems like the ideal solution.