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    One , er, drawback
    Did they have to give 15% of the sperm to Ticketmaster?

    According to wikipedia:

    A good one for cremations
    is "Blaze Away". I think Cecil Sheridan used it.

    The picture at the top of this article
    - is it just there to prove that Woodward written on a blackboard is a better actor than Nicholas Cage?

    "The stuff that kept occurring until we found out what was causing it"

    Cloverfield 2: The lobster that ate Maine

    Good things about Emos
    As the Onion points out today, Emo eggs and meat are valuable and low-fat sources of protein and their feathers can be used for stuffing pillows and cushions. Also the Rod Hull and Emo -v- Parkinson show is an all-time comedy classic.

    Keeping clean
    A lot of his problems would be avoided if he showered in soapy water instead of electrical sparks.

    The prequel would have to be "My Year of Flops, the Phantom Dennis the Menace"

    The prequel would have to be "My Year of Flops, the Phantom Dennis the Menace"

    My Year of Flops: The sequel
    Now that we can breathe easy in the knowledge that MYOF will continue, we need a name for the sequel. Some suggestions:

    One-woman show….
    Refers to the expected audience, right?

    I've heard that Tracy also initially refused to believe the fight scene in "Bad Day at Black Rock" when he saw it in the script. They got the karate adviser for the film to fight him using only one arm and he had Tracy on the floor in seconds, which persuaded him.

    Endless Poo
    Or at least that's what I thought the heading was, which made the first paragraph make much more sense than it deserved.

    How about when he's asleep, or on the toilet, or asleep on the toilet?

    Flipper lives in a world full of wonder
    I am very disappointed to discover that this article is about an obscure band rather than a friendly dolphin. Alas, this is the kind of irresponsible attitude I have come to expect from the AV club.

    Comical Romping
    So, it's "Arsenic and Old Lace", but without Cary Grant or Theodore Roosevelt? I'd pay $1 to see that, except that I can't get out of the house these days.

    Wuh, Gah, Ka-ka and Ho-Wah
    He seems to have got all his characters' names from my seven-month-old.

    Name of the wind
    Sounds like another Earthsea ripoff. Why the fulsome recommendation?

    Thanks for clarifying that for us, Pig. Otherwise I would have thought you meant psephologically