Dr. B

You have a point, but I can't even read those lines without hearing the three of them having the conversation.

This is assuming of course that gravity is applied by some device that adds it to the ship. It also ignores the countless members of the federation who come from different-massed planets (though I can't remember if Class-M includes size as a factor)

My Human, I'd argue that gravity would be the one of the LAST things turned off before the crew started entering equipment designed for handling zero-g. While they would have been trained in it somewhat at the academy, do we ever really see evidence of that in the show? Plus, without much day-to-day experience, is

Faux' Brien
I wonder if spaceships in his universe are powered by hydrogen or helium instead of dilithium.

Yet another living legend moves on…
a moment of silence (hopefully from him)

I don't get how they're selling this as "oh it's not a haunted house movie". So, that's the only thing that can be haunted? Except in this one rare movie? Yay.

More of Walter? There is good in this universe.

Friday! Friday!
We all know it's Fringe-day!

He had one of the data thingies under his finger. One doesn't know how SHE knew, other than him working for MD apparently. That entire plot thread seems to have been abandoned, unless it comes into play now/later with Bell (or Nina eventually, though given the changes in her character since then, I dunno if it's be

When are we not, fastandsloppy, when are we not?

That's not Astrid, that's Ostrich. You see, she looks like a bird! It's funny, because she looks just like a bird.


Now just imagine him as Matthew Abaddon, from LOST, singing that o.o


It seems like Fox is fond of what I do…
Rainbows, bubblegum, Hugs, and starring in great TV!

I don't remember a newswire post. Did they make one?

This wouldn't be a problem if you followed the riffmaster himself, Michael J. Nelson.

The thing is, the bill they pushed to strip funds… literally does NOTHING with the money they strip. So you'd still be paying the exact same in taxes, the money just going nowhere. So you can pay a tiny fraction (60 million over 350+million people annually… yeah do the math) for news that, while listened to sometimes

It's not as if the soviets had enough troops to mount a full scale invasion themselves with such a small-town focus. Not that that mattered against anti-communist sentiments, but still.