Dr. B

The Z is for "3".

Oddly Community had a Star Wars Holiday Special reference as well (both the fact that the inspector spacetime holiday special from the 80s was so awful and the weird hologram music thingy in that movie).

Only because they refer to call him by his preffered title, Com-van der Werff

"Bill, what are you doing in this fraking snowglobe? Bill? Bill? Answer me, damnit!"

Pretty much, as I recall. Unfortunate, but Kira was a really good character (imo).
If you read any of the DS9 books (I know, I know, but the DS9 ones are actually fun to read, again imo)

There was an article written (recently?) about this matter - distinguishing recaps from reviews, and it had a very good point: a review is, in the end, about entertaining the audience. Just as the actual tv episode must go beyond any kind of message or thematic point to actually provide something entertaining, so to

It was a tale as old as time, show as old as crime
TeeVee and the Blood-spatter Analyst

Yep, the show out-snarked itself. Though I do love watching it…

¿El line?

26th season…since 2000 or 2001. Two per yearish.

Bill Nighy, Intelligencey guy.

Mantis (Backup Ladies)
If your name is on the street and you're liable to get beat
Best call mother f***in' lovin' Tobbogan
(Mantis, Mantis,
His name is Mantis,)
You want some Mantis, honey?
(He kisses my hair, you know where,
Love my sugar daddy Mr. Tobbogan)
Good smells in the air, rum ham everywhere
You know it's burger

Deb couldn't lieutenant a toy boat around a bath tub.

The actual scene she is referring to is hilarious (well her part in it anyway). And yes, I mean that in a positive way, speaking about a Twilight movie, and not based on the Rifftrax (though that makes the rest of the scene hilarious).

No, it's like a teddy bear. I want my own Teddy VanBearenstein.

Chicken Little has this covered!

You Only Fall Twice
Dr. No Sky
From Russky With Love
Fall-Raker (a very boring Bond film)
The Man With the Golden Sky (a very gross Bond film)

I hated when this came on. Loved SYS though, and almost all the other shows Nick had on at the time.
But seriously, slow-paced bland teen-whatever set in the middle of nowhere? That sounds like a giddy-on up, rootin' tootin', jamboree, skeedaddle, electric slide, how-DEE, yee-haw sort of time.

I believe the press release is referring to the Second Great Awakening, when millions of Americans gained a new found connection to Christianity, especially to evangelical denominations. It was part of a larger social change towards individualism and a greater focus on oneself rather than larger groups (pulling away

Well, where else are the officers gonna work after serving on the Enterprise? It's not like there's a ship to move UP to.