Dr. B

I was sort of referring to something else, but I guess innuendo has evolved too far :P

And thus Fraser's Career Transistions…
to fishmonger.

Look up a few News posts. Yeah :/

He wants to, wasn't his choice to halt it.

If this is as nasty or crazy as A Tale of Two Sisters…
while also as meaningful, count me in.

I'm an old, forgetful scientist and I loved this show!

"The computer simulation was not like this".

Fittingly, his avatarless avatar in some ways resembles a ghost. Or the emptiness of one's soul.

"The Game? You mean the habit I developed of flicking wads of paper at the back of Patrick Stewart's head so I didn't go cuckoo during a long take? Yeah, I guess that was some good shit".

But I thought quantum toilets were a real thing!

Don't forget to bring a ….

When does Jack get possessed by the evil V's and try and stop Erica?

Now that's an order I can get behind, Agent Broyles.

I thought you said Lost there for a second…

Haven't watched the ep (still haven't decided if I want to put in the time, even for it being a Glua show) but I fucking LOVE Red Velvet Cake. I'd be an evil henchman for some, hell yeah.

Spoiler alert! Unless of course you're watching from the beginning, rather than in linear-time.

My fave was one that was included in the 'bove,
"Someone in the audience is quietly hiding a monkey-mask under their seat."
Great mental image.

If it did, it didn't show up in the game. Or was very misinterpreted. A fun game nonetheless.

Hyden wrote stupid pieces that are terribly hard to play on trumpet!

I wouldn't call having fleshed out characters Whedon-inspired. Almost nothing in the game resembles/relates to firefly. Maybe you're thinking of borderlands.