Dr. B

Viggy, that was only DC and it failed. It would also be probable that the justification of such an extravagant/insane/potentially illegal anti-crime agency was a much higher crime rate everywhere else.

Heck, I'd be down for spending Next Sunday A.D. with Joel, Mike and the bots. I enjoyed it enough from the comfort of the living room, and up on the S.O.L. they always got to make cool stuff.

Wasn't his character's back story essentially this? (I don't mean undercover CIA-designed operative of course, just the general type, with him getting in deep shit in Iraq)

Joel McHale! (does anyone else get annoyed as I do by the way she his name? Going up a note on Mc? I know, a small thing to be irked by but it just doesn't seem to flow properly)

Well, he at least had the script way back when. And used to make movies all the time, so it's not such a big leap. Production quality of the thing, sure, but other than that even the idea that he made it was a call back to the first seasons, besides the content of the film.

And yes, I know they aren't *actually* reptillians, look close enough though

No, but the Anti-Pope is (DS9 S7 of course)

Of course all the Space Rednecks pronounce it "Badger"

If Space Eskimos are known for kicking butt, sure.

Really, why are we kidding ourselves. We all known damned well how Troi got that job.

Plus, couldn't they just have ads above/below/alongside the player and call it good? I doubt they are all that less effective than movie ads and be there constantly throughout the show.

Ironically, she died yet the world survived.

Mute, I dunno maybe it's a shared insensitivity, but their reactions late in that season to being "pushed" was a bit over the top, from my perspective. Because, honestly if you're going to act like a dick I'm going to think of you as one, regardless of other factors, especially if you want to show that you're just as

Speaking of Prototype though, the game's pretty immoral when you get to the end and realize it's a case of unreliable narrator.

Ok, can someone explain this to me;
You have a portable device capable of being online either always (3g plan) or within proximity of any wifi spot (plenty of places around a given city). Why do you pay for some watered down generic paper - one that you have absolutely no history/loyalty with yet, seeing as it's

One of those paper place-mat mazes at a generic family restaurant.

Hey sarCCastro, didn't they review that here? Or was it on C.H.U.D?

I'd definitely go with The Merv Griffin Show as a personal top 5. Kramer and that set man, just perfect. It's an apartment setup I honestly wouldn't mind having.

Force is just one possibility. With the right AMOUNT of speed we can theoretically SOLVE this scientific dilemma

Insurrection? You mean The Undiscovered Country (VI) right?