Dr. B

Puma-man, with the powers of a Puma! Which seem to involve failing, mostly.
Vidinhio, the onion!

Piers Morgan
Isn't he some kind of drink?

I just have to say, I read these reviews every week but don't actually watch the show and I have absolutely no idea what this show is. I mean, I watched the first couple of episodes when it started, and I do have an idea…. but seriously, it couldn't be that, right? It's supposed to be this awesome show that

Double Fine + Roald Dahl. (If we go literary)

Wouldn't it be Tw33t Tw33t Tw33T: Three?

Brown Bunny < Brown Betty?

The thing with Day After Tomorrow is this: while the extreme speed with which events happen (the northern 2/3 of the northern hemisphere basically freezing overnight) is overblown, the actual cause for the global crisis- specifically changes to the north Atlantic/gulf current (whichever it is, I forget), are actually

The Band Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds

Well, um congrats SuperD.
Sounds like a busy week.

Nice, let's keep it going.

Shiny Side of the Spoon

It's a comment board on articles on a site where people move from one to the next pretty quickly. There's some good conversations, there's some inane posts. None of it is read within the next day or two anyway. Get over it and move on.

If, somehow, it's nearer to release than we think I'd not be surprised by some clues in portal 2.

Find a way to stop time by november.
Rise of Isengard, ME3, and (dun da da duh!) Skyrim!

My Favorites: Almond and Flaming Marshmallow
(so far, haven't read them all)

True, but this is Fox Friday Genre death. Firefly, T:SCC, Dollhouse.

Angl, and if we think back to season two, she's definitely not always supported serial killers hunting down criminals who had done very bad things. (I think she was the one who realized what was going on then. Funny how no one in Miami PD seems to connect that these two theories/situations are essentially the same,

Farting & Burping cat was about what I'd expect from Quinn.

You would think that would play in his favor, but then he goes and gets mad at people for not liking his "cute" stupidity (his entire seduction strategy with Deb apparently).

Detective: Someone raped 13 women
Dexter VO: A rapist. Who likes women.