Dr. B

But nothing came of the photos. Dexter has bags on a boat, and Quinn doesn't even care about it anymore.

the dog, I'd agree with your sentiment but I'd argue that's about ALL the skills he has.

Quinn: The stupidest detective in Miami,
or the stupidest detective in the world? Make your call.

Jean-Luc, I believe the resonating harmonic rods help with that. How much they can be accounted for this, who knows, but more than just jumping through a tank I would think.

Repeat Play, if they did a shot-for-shot (well, shot in "reality" of course) re-enactment of RvB's version of that…. that would be the Best Episode Ever.

Rolling, that confused me big time. Right before one scene ended, Alt-Broyles tells Ourlivia that the patrols were changed. They can't go back (to boston) that way, she can't go forward through the now-empty tank.

Oh right, the crux of the show is obviously Walter and the real fringe of the science here- where is the line and when, if ever (or always), is it ok to cross it?

I'd say, if Fringe gets 4th and possibly beyond seasons (hopefully) they're going to a great job with it. The show it's often tied to (or, was more so when it was more FotW), X-Files, lost power as the main story went nowhere. Here, the storyline seems to be nearing a climax (well, by the end of the season anyway,

"burning through potential stories"
I'm hoping this is a worry we'll be having about the show in the future- because of Fox's upcoming movement of the show to Fridays, like it has in the past for the various good sci-fi shows it's killed off. Which is sad, because over the past three years this has gone from being "a

Im Registered doesn't care about Michael J. Nelson … people.

Wearing googles is great for your foresight ;D

Of Dreams & Snowglobes, deferred and otherwise
Dreams and/or snowglobes are possibly important to this series.

While it may not have been at the start of the movie
The Room had some .. moving .. sex scenes.

They never explained it, but a logical enough reason could be that she only sees the objects when they are in Earth-1 (and it might only work for those objects).

There are other factors to consider as well in human action besides one's individual thought processes. Their occupation/age/etc all play roles, so with his ability to calculate an extreme number of variables, one or two might not always matter (except of course, for the variable of Olivia not knowing about the

"Submerge the subject"
Quite an ingenious idea, reminds me of something I did to help a certain woman RECOVER HER MEMORIES back in my world. Speaking of worlds,
"I have a much bigger laboratory". Mine is quite small.. Bell had Massive Dynamic… and Walternate has an entire universe (well, world).

Sorry for the double post, but the reason she doesn't breathe air: she doesn't know she was supposed to. Her memories aren't being perfect (the moment when she mentions her sister, not knowing the changed passcodes, etc).

Oh, forgot to mention, in the same conversation he mentions his sister's "pattern" ("It's not in your pattern to do that" or something).