cocaine and tears

the fact that they are all smiling in the photo is such a calculated PR BS move. they're basically trying to compensate for the unrelenting moroseness that is their music. "See? We DO know how to laugh."

The best critical assessment of AF
The Guardian UK had a fantastic article a few years ago where well known artists take down some sacred musical cows. This one really stuck with me—he really nailed what I was thinking at the time about what I didn't like about this band:

fucking mortgages—how do they work?

US Bez
Who would the US equivalent of Bez be?

Tom Cruise in everything he's ever done.

It's definitely debatable but when Tarese finally calls him out and says something like "you only want to see what it's like to be with a black chick" his reaction kind of implies that she's right. The fact that he immediately has sex with another black women without giving it any thought also implies that that was

Alison Brie
I read somewhere that she's also in this. All they need is Lizzie Caplan and Scream 4 will be the collective nerdgasm heard 'round the world.

A women with a nice figure generally looks amazing in skinny jeans. I don't know what it is but jeans nowadays seem to make even a so-so tush look good. I heartily approve.

Is it because Ted Leo likes the Reggae? Other than that his mod-punk-indie-what-have-you sound is pretty hipsterific.

A duella AND a midwife
I thought he was joking at first. I've heard of people using one or the other but never thought there would be a need for both. Hope a wolverine didn't swoop in and steal the afterbirth.

I believe this was discussed in a previous thread, but I'm fairly certain it was Charlize Theron who was snapped smoking weed from an apple. Although I'm sure Cameron Diaz partakes as well

I'll take artsy French titties a la "Swimming Pool" over just about anything.

Whoa, Hank. So much animosity—can't it be directed towards a worthier foe like Death Cab for Cutie or Vampire Weekend?

In Space
Sadly, the 2005 reunion album is outright terrible. There's something very disconcerting about a near-senior-aged Chilton taking on the persona of a love-sick teenager. Musically it's completely rote and uninspiring. I listened to it once and then deleted it.

Canadian, German, etc versions of the Office
How did I not know any of these existed? So curious. Anyone seen any of these?

Scott, I guess I take umbrage (I've never used that word before) with your comment that, despite this movie's failure to connect with you it is nonetheless "essential viewing."

so bummed I wasted minutes on this. 1,500 comments on the original site and counting, most of which have no idea this is fake. Meme trolling (that's a thing, right?) is the fucking worst.

i too saw this trailer on one of the "tube" sites. It was jarring to see an ad featuring Luke Wilson in that context. I think you have a good point—even though everyone looks at porn, I wouldn't want to be publicly associated with a movie whose sole connection I have is through an ad on youporn.

heh, I posted before seeing your comment above. Guess that answers my question :)

Sam, I absolutely love Luna and consider them one of my all-time faves, but let's not overstate the impact of the original rhythm section. The older albums might hold up better, but I don't see a significant decline at all in their overall output overtime.