cocaine and tears

It has to be a joke.

There is a local San Francisco band called Milk Milk Lemonade. I know nothing about them but saw their name on a flyer and thought it was pretty awesome. Still not curious enough to actually seek out and hear their music, tho. I'm lazy.

and a high school track team that runs by at random times throughout the movie. Adorable!

I think the most egregious and unnecessary bit of self-censorship was Steven Spielberg's decision to remove the word "terrorist" from a single line of innocuous dialogue in ET.

Another bald-faced lie
One thing that bothered me about Sterling Cooper was that it was seen as this huge-ass agency with dozens of big clients (including lucky stripe, a $25 million account—in the '60s!). Was Don the only creative director? Peggy the only copy writer? Pete and the other guy the only account managers?

We're jealous of her, don't you see? Her insanely privileged existence makes us seethe.


It's softcore porn, or what I call "porn in a pinch." It'll do when that's all you got. Examples include women's beach volleyball on ESPN2 and the J Crew catalog swimsuit section.

Joss Stone "looks just like" Janis Joplin?! I'm not calling you a troll, but come on.


Movies are LOUD. This one looks especially so. I don't think it's an appropriate place for small babies. They WILL turn on you. So will your wife. Welcome to my world.

I think it has something to do with taking a dump on somebod