
No, Hook is terrible. Robin Williams was at the absolute nadir of his career and the lost boys have to be the most annoying characters ever created. The whole scene where they eat all that crap makes me cringe for everyone involved. This movie is exhibit A for Spielberg whimsy gone bad.

She really a pretty terrible actress though. I have a hard time picturing her delivering the lines she would need to deliver in the show.

I would say Lindsay and Stevie were the most talented out of the band.  Stevie was always more commercial, while Lindsay is an incredible guitarist and songwriter.  Lindsay is still making great music.

Playtime is the best softcore porn ever made.

My parents always took me to movies like that when I was a kid.  I was an emotional wreck after Kramer vs. Kramer

Stevie Nicks has one of the best, most unique voices ever recorded, but the rest of Fleetwood Mac is incredibly talented as well.. Hard for me to name who the lesser talents would be.  I much prefer her singing to Christine McVie's but Christine's voice is incredible.

I thought she was crazier than she should be. Cat woman was never really that crazy in the comics was she?  She was just a burglar, more like the Catwoman in the Dark Knight rises.

Didn't he divorce her as soon as he was released from prison?

Change "Samples everything from the Beastie Boys to Billy Squier" to "samples Beastie Boys and Billy Squier."

That trailer is brutal.  It almost they thought "How could we make this movie appeal to no one except movie critics?  I know, lets put a monotone guy on reading quotes from various movie critics talking about how serious and important this movie is."  I love movies like this, but if I showed that trailer to my family,

These jokes are no longer funny.  Please stop featuring them.

Mmmmm, 82 yo Joan and her floor-length breasts……

Only 87? How long do you think people normally live?

Thanks so much for the info about the lite rock tribute. My love for those old songs is my secret shame.  The only "rock" radio station in the small Kansas town where I grew up played a 70/30 mix of modern adult contemporary crap and 70's lite rock.  Listened to hours of this stuff on summer jobs doing construction

It's not like she was ever a major character up to that point.

He says a bewildered "Hodor?" when he was startled, i think by jojen's seizure.  confused hodor is the best hodor. A+++

well a certain someone gets a bowel loosening crossbow bolt.  Maybe they'll spend more time in the north and east next year.  I think the royal wedding will probably be next year

Freddie Highmore is the only reason I watch the show.  I think he's doing a great job of being a sweet kid who deep down could kill somebody.

The disconcerting thing about that is that I think Missandei is supposed to be 11 years old.

You have to read them all at least 3 times, once to get the plot, generally rushing through so you can find out what happened, once to figure out every one of the characters, and then again so you can kinda remember the obscure, alluded to things.  Trust me, you'll have the time.