Exactly - same generation, same starting point (SF), same hyper/affected delivery, both gifted at improv, both have worn out their welcome on the comedy scene.
Exactly - same generation, same starting point (SF), same hyper/affected delivery, both gifted at improv, both have worn out their welcome on the comedy scene.
Puhlease, dude - I love Doug but he puts up too many shows and reuses too many of his unfunny friends, like Grahm Elwood and Brody Stevens. Does anyone out there really enjoy listening to Brody Stevens?
Todd is one of my favorite guests, but his show is a mess because his pot addled, adhd brain can't handle hosting…
now among the best long form investigative reporting operations in America outside of print journalism"
Sorry, but - based on what? Declaring something to be the case doesn't make it so. The guy from marketplace googled something like "translator, chinese" and the woman's name, made a phone call and the whole story…
A buddy of mine works at a comedy club in . For the past year he says they have been seeing a massive surge of young people (guys, mostly) "pursuing their dream of becoming comedians". Almost all of these guys are avid listeners to Maron, Rogan, Nerdist, CBB, etc. I'm wondering if maybe too many people are getting…
I demand a TAL devoted to fact checking the Santa Land Diary episode - I suspect Sedaris may have pulled a Daisy at Macy's expense.
Proops - snide delivery and obscure references don't make for inspired humor.
Ducca is always inspired but Schindler was labored - Adomian is such a clever guy (his 'easy on my mind' riff on Todd Glass' show being a prime example) I'd really like to hear him work up some new (better) characters, along the lines of Huel Hauser.
Right on. Kinane is a natural - I also enjoyed him taking (the overrated) Jelsinick to task on DLM last year.
I enjoy Tim & Eric in small doses but the most recent appearances by Heidecker on CBB and Nerdist make me wonder why the guy feels the need to come off as a disaffected douchebag whenever he opens his mouth. Make an appearance or don't, but don't show up and act put upon.
I didn't really get a heavy shame vibe from Ira on the Retraction episode - more like smug annoyance. Does anyone listening to TAL on a regular basis really imagine journalistic standards apply to their puff pieces? TAL serves up feel good/bad/angry/sad radio theater for guilty white liberals - fact checking doesn't…
Yep - Garlin finds himself very amusing.
Funny, Maron doesn't sound bitter to me. You, on the other hand…
Good point - if this interview was any indication, they are just a couple of mildly mannered (dull) and aloof (dickish) guys.
awhile back, Maron mentioned that he had asked T&E and they declined - "they don't think i'm cool enough, I guess" he added.
All the podcasts that are on two (or even three) a week schedules are killing the goose. Benson, Maron, Hardwick and the rest will start to see their subscribers plateau and slowly dwindle in the coming year. DLM, in particular, since the format is fixed - too much of a good thing.
ImBetterThanYou - the word you are…
Fair enough regarding Heisler, but I do get the impression Maron fatigue is setting in. Two podcasts a week was great a year ago, now it seems ridiculous. No one is going to criticize him for down shifting to one a week and becoming a little more selective. It wouldn't hurt him to begin focusing on younger talent as…
It was good to finally hear Tim and Eric interviewed - too bad it couldn't have been another show. Hardwick and co were clearly intimidated by the cool guys in the room. I'd like to have heard more about their influences and how they developed their uncomfortable brand of seizure inducing comedy. I particularly…
Right on - they have the best scripted material and performers and I rarely hear anyone mention them outside of a few comedy elites like Patton and PFT (who stop in for regular guest spots). Unlike all of the interviews shows, which are very rarely actually funny (honestly, how often does anyone actually laugh…
Good move - it was bugging me a bit that Culture Gabfest was making the cut; it is junk.