
This comes up each week. To be fair, UYD (aka the best podcast) makes the cut and is unaffiliated with the aging UCB/Largo crowd, but it pretty much ends there. 
That said, the AV Club is the only place I know of that is taking a stab at a round up. If someone knows of an alternative podcast forum, let me know. But,

I don't know - for the last year or so it has always seemed to me that Scott is basically winging it and relying on his guests to bring it together (unless you consider 'would you rather' to be prepared - I don't).

Good point. Maron is always most comfortable counter culture types and alternative comedians (particularly of the failed, middle aged variety). Nothing wrong with that, but he always seems at a loss when contending with the rest of the comedy scene.  Weird Al takes joy in light hearted spoofing - Maron doesn't speak

That janky mic on UYD was annoying but it was worth it to listen in on the ever hapless Jonathan's fretful detective work. Someone out there needs to send these guys some real gear - or perhaps one of the many lesser "comedy" podcasts could just hand over theirs (I'm looking at you, Nerdist, CBB, NNF, etc.).

Overlong and subdued pretty well sums up the last DLM. Still, anyone laboring under the mistaken impression that Brody Stevens is a funny guy should check it out.
Benson, like Maron, should really consider switching to one episode per week (and CBB once ever two weeks) - they are all going to kill the goose if they

The Nerdist guest free eps are best when Hardwick takes a back seat and let's Jonah and Matt swat at one another. Chris' Eddy Haskel routine interviewing the old musician really did my head in - when he shifts from control freak mode to full suck up mode, he becomes the personification of tweedious.

I can't decide if CBB is trying too hard or not enough but the show feels overworked and undercooked. The incessant bids to run down every tangent come off as desperate, even when they have sharp guests like Ben Scwartz. I can't help thinking Scott might want to try, I don't know, preparing some material?

Agreed - Gary is the character I most hate to love.
The Tomathons are fatiguing (I could do with fewer musical interludes, for instance) but you have to hand it to him, Tom is nothing if not passionate. 

Plumberduck Eeeeeexactly - I realize all these guys read podmass (because they are ridiculously self involved) and I appreciate that it must be struggle to see your own work critiqued, but lighten up already. This is a pretty balanced forum and the lion share of the comments are constructive.

That is really funny, I was thinking the same thing - Howard clearly has a heavy crush and he is funnier than Aukerman…I predict this will end badly.

Right - part of the genius of UYD is that they don't have guests. The humor is genuine and organic. Also, they have the good sense to drop a bit before it becomes tiresome (no "wanky wanky" in a long while, no craigslist, none of jah's poems). How they don't have a paying gig already is a mystery.

What did he do?

Here again, I can't reply to Doug directly, so I'll reply to myself (?) in response. The comment wasn't directed at your show in particular - you always do an amazing job of bringing cool people into the mix (Jon Hamm, in particular) - see my comment above for more of my praise of your praiseworthy show. All the same,

I can't reply to "Doug" - assuming, of course, it is Doug, so I'll reply to Toasterlad. 
First, I've been listening to DLM since ep 1 and I seek out your guest spots. I've turned many friends on to the show and it remains one of my top 3 weekly shows. I've even purchased a a few of your live shows on ITunes. You have

Right on, Kremer is underrated. His timing is unique. The format of the show is a little played out but Howard is just started to hit his stride and his rapport with Kulap gets better each week.  I'd like to hear them drop some of the structure - nobody care if we don't finish the lists.

Picking on Nerdist again seems unnecessary in this forum but, I have to say it - Hey, Hardwick, you're 40 years old. I appreciate that you are sober and focused and determined to squeeze everything from your second (third?) act that you let slip away in your first and I believe you when you tell me what a nice guy you

I was listening to something this week and wondering to myself, why is Brody Stevens on again? Why am I listening to Graham Elwood, again? 
Andy Kindler, again.  These guys aren't even mildly entertaining. They are friends of funny people (debatable, fine). A couple of years ago I gave it a pass because the medium and

Right - those guys are good, though a little precious (or is that just being Canadian?) at times.

Granted - particularly if Werner Herzog is joining him. The ep a few months back where he was bullying Galifinakis was probably as good as that show is ever going to get.

Not shitting on Doug. I dig Doug and listen to DLM regularly (not the rental car eps, mind you), however, it is infinitely more satisfying at 2x. Try it for a few eps and see if you don't prefer it.