
Glass seems utterly fatigued with the show as well. 
The worst thing about TAL in particular and NPR in general is that you now have a generation of young radio "personalities" joining the ranks who have grown up listening to the show and have adopted Glass' mannerisms. Sedaris is widely mimiced as well.

Here is the answer - listen to all podcasts double speed. Seriously, I've been listening to all of the podcasts at double speed for a couple of years now. 
Doug Benson, in particular, is intolerable at regular speed. Occasionally I'll switch back just to remember what it is like. You won't notice the distortion and it

Tom identifies

We need alternatives to the CBB and DLM gang - even PFT ( the patron saint of comedy podcasts) is wearing out his welcome lately - more outside the beltway acts like UYD.

Here is a question for the admins - where is the regular link for podmass? It seems like it floats around and I always have to do a search on podmass to find it.

Marc and Tom will never happen again, however, it was fun while it lasted. These two are waaaaay too neurotic, narcissistic, etc. to share a show.

To be fair, some of their tunes are amusing - pregnant women are smug and steve are funny songs. It ends there, however.

I'll definitely donate…if PFT makes an appearance!

Scharpling and PFT are on the outs. I get the impression Tom is getting the cold shoulder from a bunch of his comedy "friends" - he ditched his old intro and he hasn't had any of his regular guests on lately. 
I still dig Best Show, but Tom's smug, petulant alter ego has been wearing me out lately.

Thanks for another solid review, avc.
Tell em Steve Dave is an underrated podcast. It will never receive the podmass stamp of approval, but it has more genuine laughs than CBB ever will. Walt & Bry are surprisingly funny guys and they have great chemistry. What the show is missing is more that rapport. Kevin isn't

No "mostly" - entirely. PFT can turn anything into gold. Todd's podcast ranks as most disappointing new entry in the last year.. He was one of my favorite guests on CBB, DLM, etc. but his own show is a mess. Someone needs to get him some adderal.

Howard is plenty funny, but he is lazy. Kulap = less > more. She had a funny line on the Besser ep but I recall Aukerman had the same line on CBB awhile back.

I noticed that too - I think it's nicotine gum but it sounded like he was chomping on a messy sandwich last ep.

Oh, c'mon. I'm convinced Hardwick spends every waking minute thinking about what he is going to say next, so fine - for one who appoints himself a voice of the nerds (as if they were in any way marginalized these days) he could stand to be a little more empathetic and less concerned with relating absolutely everything

I find Hardwick exhausting because he is always angling for approval. It wears me out. He is a perfectly likable guy who nonetheless remains relentlessly determined to be liked. For a brief moment on his last appearance on Doug Loves Movies the crowd moaned at one of his comments and for the remainder of the show it

I don't know - you didn't find his ugly ramblings about women to be pretty vile? Granted, the guy is a lonely, psychotic, middle aged recluse but, c'mon…

Tom has mentioned that he is developing a show with this younger comedy group (can't remember the name) and Maron has also mentioned wanting to do a project with him - I suspect that he backed out of the deal with PFT and left him hanging. Tom has mentioned that Paul dumped him from his social networking circle first

Agreed - he needs to ditch that segment. Clearly he is smitten and it was cute for the first couple of rounds, but the well ran dry awhile ago.

No, they each dumped each other on FB and Twitter (Kirkman dumped Scharpling as well) and they are supposedly locked in bitter feud about something. Tom hasn't had many comedy luminaries on lately (aside from Todd Barry who only comes on to plug his gigs).

I just want to thank AV Club for continuing to bring much deserved (and needed) attention to Uhh Yeah Dude week after week. I listen to pretty much everything the AVC covers on a regular basis and UYD (for life) remains the freshest and most original game going.  How Seth and Jonathan aren't household names after this