manny calavera


come on, van alden is a proper creep. i lol'd hard when the other salesman was winding him up, that was great dialogue.

come on, van alden is a proper creep. i lol'd hard when the other salesman was winding him up, that was great dialogue.

This guy is the Banksy of comments.

This guy is the Banksy of comments.

you mean 'kamsamnida.'

you mean 'kamsamnida.'

are you serious? i knew they were tight-arses out here but i had no idea it was that bad. even on subscription-only channels? i thought they used to be the promised land where shows could avoid censorship? also, if they cut words, what do they put in their place?

are you serious? i knew they were tight-arses out here but i had no idea it was that bad. even on subscription-only channels? i thought they used to be the promised land where shows could avoid censorship? also, if they cut words, what do they put in their place?

yep, but the accompanying chinese/japanese character (蜂) was for bee, not fly. not sure what that means, if anything…although BB is the kind of show to pay attention to details like that.

yep, but the accompanying chinese/japanese character (蜂) was for bee, not fly. not sure what that means, if anything…although BB is the kind of show to pay attention to details like that.

I'm slowly working my way through S1 of this for the first time, and "Ruskie Business" was the first episode where I felt like I GOT this show. All the pieces finally fell (or start to fall) into place, there are zingers everywhere and the plot takes huge, emotional steps forward. Such real shit.

Yes! I had no idea these Carnivale reviews were starting up again.

Yes! I had no idea these Carnivale reviews were starting up again.

you definitely should, i'd recommend watching the whole series again, and take your time with it!

you definitely should, i'd recommend watching the whole series again, and take your time with it!

Yeah I had forgotten about Mike's (estranged?) family, fixed.

Yeah I had forgotten about Mike's (estranged?) family, fixed.

I know I'm gonna drown in the ~1300 other comments, but what the hell, here are some of my stray observations,

I know I'm gonna drown in the ~1300 other comments, but what the hell, here are some of my stray observations,