pictures and talk

Her parents work right by the late, great Melody Records. While we haven't seen any evidence of the kids going to the travel agency, Melody always had a good selection of imports, and it's possible she discovered it there.

I am definitely sad that they've killed Steel Train, although I'm less sad about Jack not singing as I am devastated that fun. doesn't afford him any opportunity to really play guitar on their new stuff. Dude can shred.

I am definitely sad that they've killed Steel Train, although I'm less sad about Jack not singing as I am devastated that fun. doesn't afford him any opportunity to really play guitar on their new stuff. Dude can shred.

I went to the DC show last week, and it made me really sad. The light show was incredibly obnoxious (curtains between the crowd and the band, and waaaay too on-the-nose slow motion flames during "We Are Young"), and it was easily the least "live" show I've ever been to. They have always been a great live band, but the

I would be very, very surprised if Nate plays a Format song for a very long time. The last two times I saw him try:

While we're fixing that sentence, the original issue of Unfun, their debut, came out in 1990, not 1994.

While we're fixing that sentence, the original issue of Unfun, their debut, came out in 1990, not 1994.

I'm not sure if he's still at Hunter. He wrote a blog post a few years back talking about how academia is just as rotten as the music industry (I'm a PhD student, and I agree it's pretty rotten). Blake's new band forgetters has a new record coming out in a few weeks. I'm excited to hear it, even if I know it probably

I'm not sure if he's still at Hunter. He wrote a blog post a few years back talking about how academia is just as rotten as the music industry (I'm a PhD student, and I agree it's pretty rotten). Blake's new band forgetters has a new record coming out in a few weeks. I'm excited to hear it, even if I know it probably

Really? Bivouac is my favorite (although 24 Hour is close). I love how sprawling it is. It's definitely their least accessible record on the whole, but it also has some of their most likable tracks and the best love song ever written to recommend it.

Really? Bivouac is my favorite (although 24 Hour is close). I love how sprawling it is. It's definitely their least accessible record on the whole, but it also has some of their most likable tracks and the best love song ever written to recommend it.

I think the plan is to reissue the albums one-by-one. Since the whole band is signing off on the remasters, it's just taking a while to do it. Hopefully, within the next few years we'll have crisp new copies of 24 Hour.

I think the plan is to reissue the albums one-by-one. Since the whole band is signing off on the remasters, it's just taking a while to do it. Hopefully, within the next few years we'll have crisp new copies of 24 Hour.

Blackball. Adam's been posting updates on the Jawbreaker Facebook, and Blackball is his baby. I don't think either Tupelo or Communion exists anymore, but I could be wrong.

Blackball. Adam's been posting updates on the Jawbreaker Facebook, and Blackball is his baby. I don't think either Tupelo or Communion exists anymore, but I could be wrong.

I'd say it's good. Discogs is a better place to look for vinyl, and Whack and Blite isn't going for less than $25.

I'd say it's good. Discogs is a better place to look for vinyl, and Whack and Blite isn't going for less than $25.

It's probably worth a little bit. I saw a mint (still in shrink) 1st press of "Unfun" a few weeks ago for $40 despite the fact that it was reissued a few years back.

It's probably worth a little bit. I saw a mint (still in shrink) 1st press of "Unfun" a few weeks ago for $40 despite the fact that it was reissued a few years back.

After passing on a copy of this in a record store in Santa Barbara in 2008, I finally found an original pressing of this record on vinyl a month ago. Now there's a reissue.
Does anyone know if the vinyl pressing will have the shortened track listing like the original? I assume it will. Otherwise, why would anyone buy