pictures and talk

After passing on a copy of this in a record store in Santa Barbara in 2008, I finally found an original pressing of this record on vinyl a month ago. Now there's a reissue.
Does anyone know if the vinyl pressing will have the shortened track listing like the original? I assume it will. Otherwise, why would anyone buy

James Murphy / Bowery Presents are the "rat bastards"
As much as people want to blame scalpers, they're not the problem. StubHub saw no increase in tickets being sold the day that tickets went on sale to the general public after the presale. James Murphy is trying to cultivate a populist persona by selling tickets

and the gaslight anthem are just trend-hoppers themselves
Don't get me wrong, I like the Gaslight Anthem, but the Boss revival was going on well before the '59 Sound was a breakthrough. The Gaslight Anthem are no more original than the Hold Steady before them, and for those less generous than I, TGA sound like the