
Whoops. It was 2001. How smart am I? =/

Whoops. It was 2001. How smart am I? =/

No Royal Tenenbaums?? Not even in this section? I'm kind of dumbfounded.

No Royal Tenenbaums?? Not even in this section? I'm kind of dumbfounded.

Jeff freakin' Buckley anyone?!?!?!

Why did Hurwitz even bother having another show on Fox in the first place? THe show is really starting to hit its stride I think and Fox is yet again screwing shit up.

One of the best episodes of the show yet. Just had me giggling the whole time. Freakin' hilarious. This show is brilliant and might be the best show on television. "Hey I'm not fat! I'm….MUSH! MUSH!" hahahaha Galifianaki running around with the dogs yelling mush just about had me on the floor.

Isn't this called A-Sides? Oh wait…*pukes*

That piece of shit Taken?? What the hell? That movie was freakin' solid. This movie however, I have actually seen, and dear god it's terrible. I saw it when it came out because I shamelessly LIKE Assassins and thought this looked mildly intriguing…holy shit was I wrong. What a horrid movie.

Gigantic? 2nd worst film of the year? Are you fucking kidding me?? What a joke. I mean…yeah it failed pretty bad at what it was trying to do, but there was definitely some likeable things about the movie and the characters were pretty solid and well acted I thought. Certainly better than the ugly truth or

Fuck Kiss. So glad they didn't get in. It's the rock 'n roll hall of fame, not the hall of sell albums and money making techniques while convincing generations of fans that you're actually good…don't understand the Abba choice, though Genesis and The Stooges ESPECIALLY should totally be in.

I"m just gonna say…
I love(d) M. Night Shyamalan. I think he is(was) brilliant and has made some incredible movies. Yes, even Signs, The Village and Lady in the Water. I think they're great, they make sense to me, they're beautifully shot movies and the acting tends to be fantastic although slightly over the top and

Finn singing to the sonogram was probably the most projectile vomit inducing moment of TV I may have ever or will ever see. That said…episode was pretty solid, but not nearly as good as last week. Seems like the show is really hitting its' stride, being funny and serious and being good about both, while toning down

Pretty valid points I suppose, and ultimately the same kind of thing i'm really trying to say…

Ya might know where it could be going, but christ it's gonna be awesome when it gets there!

Thanks for clearing that up some. However…you say you had no opinion on the first one but to me it seems like you definitely did. And if not, then you certainly had a negative opinion about all the positive extreme fanfare about the movie, which is understandable, but still gave you that semi-bias or rather an

SO why would they even bother reviewing the 2nd?!?! See what i'm saying?! It's obvious we're not going to get an unbiased review from anyone, so why even bother?

Perhaps someone that actually liked the first one should've reviewed this? Who thought a hater of the first would be a good, adept, unbiased reviewer of the 2nd one? That said, I don't even care about the 1st anymore, it was definitely a movie i loved in high school and a year or two after, but not so much anymore.

Pretty disappointed
Not a good episode at all in my opinion for the most part. Musical numbers were terrible. However, Jane Lynch was incredible as always, and the WillEmmaKen dynamic was definitely really good. But god the music sucked this time. Bust-a-move, THONG SONG, and the terrible "look at me i'm so sensitive

Am I the only one that thinks Finn's voice sucks? Don't know if it's actually him, although it does sound like him, just crazy auto tuned to hell and over produced and what not. The voice sucks though, why's he the male star of the glee club?? He sucks! It's a weak, soft, whiny nasally voice, and it just doesn't