
Over production
Is the one thing that makes me want to hate this show. Why can't they make it real? Or at least seem like its' real, and not this big ridiculous, auto-tuned, pro tooled to hell production. Drives me nuts…anyway…SUE'S CORNER IS BACK! haha…best part of the show. They should seriously just have a Sue's

Skeletonwitch is a pretty awesome band and the band members are all cool as shit guys who are just happy to be able to play music and have a good time. No bullshit involved, no stupid gimmick or anything. Just a group of metal heads that love metal and love playing it…and are really fucking good at it.

oh Masuka
That truck so was deliciously Masuka…he's great…huhuhuhuh…

Just one of many plot holes apparently…

They can do what they want, but as a fan, it's totally okay for me to have the opinion that it's not okay. it's not like i'm going to their fucking shows and protesting them playing still. It's just merely my opinion that they shouldn't be called Alice in Chains. Talk about taking shit too seriously…glad to see

I actually thought this episode was much better than the last. And how could you NOT mention Hiro popping up at Peter's place!?!?! PETER HAS HIRO'S POWERS NOW!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT NOTICEMENTION THAT?! THAT'S HUGE! Anyway…Peter still rules. Always has, always will. And where the fuck is Mohinder?!

I just can't be okay with them calling themselves Alice in Chains. It's just not them, no matter how good the album may or may not be(the first single i thought was nothing good at all) I still can't help but thinking it's an imposter in the vocal department.

My pick(s)
The only one truly completely worthy here is the Stooges, hands down. Kiss is the most overrated band ever and if you had a hall of fame for rock 'n sell 'n money 'n fake image bullshit 'n everything BUT the actual rock…then sure, throw 'em in. Otherwise, fuck 'em. I'm gonna cry the day Kiss gets in,

Are you kidding?
Maybe it's just my hatred of hip hop culture and what not…but the Gold Digger number was terrible. A dorky glee club teacher all the sudden pulling off Gold Digger like he's a professional rapper or something? What a joke. Is this show a satire? Is it a high school drama? Is it a black comedy? What is

Just sayin'…
This is prolly gonna clarify the nerd in me like none other…BUT…Sunnydale isn't a nest of hellacious activity because Buffy lives there…it's because of the Hellmouth!! Hello!?!? Ha, okay i'm done.

That X Files episode
Was the scariest shit i EVER saw when i was child. Was terrified by that for a looong time. Christ it was good.

Whatddya know…
And i thought the AV Club would be to snobby for this even, but who'da thunk it, they think it's great too! As well they should. This movie is brilliant, definitely one of my 5 favs of all time.

Fuckin' amen.

Sam Mendes doing Preacher? Oh my…Odd match, but could be incredible if they got the right actors.

My first
My first comics were the Dark Tower series they put out recently. The guy at my comic shop recommended some else cause i was completely new to comics. The Preacher and Y: The Last Man were both amazing and since then i've dove head first into comics. Those 2 are great gateways into comics if you like the