
The article seems to make a point of not stating the obvious - podcasts are not live broadcasts. Any time a guest goes too far and blabs something they don't want going out they just say so before it airs and the podcaster chops it out.

What happened in 1994 and 2010? (genuinely clueless)

The Geoff Emerick book is a great read, but it's been exposed as a mass of lies and fabrications by one or two of his former Abbey Rd colleagues. Ken Scott or someone was going off on this once, and posted a link to a newspaper interview with Emerick from the 70's where he was asked about how various things from

I didn't get Gatsby at all. I found it a chore to read - boring people doing boring things. But I tend to be a dunce when it comes to subtext

Surely no one on the left is arguing that ACA is great, only that what Republicans replaced it with would inevitably be worse?

Totally agree with that and had drawn the same conclusion, just the quotes themselves (as printed in all the outrage-bulletins such as on this site, devoid of other context) are enough to bear that out. I have decided against saying so on the whole, for the sake of a quiet life

The latter two don't exist, they were rewritten before anyone pressed 'record'

Well it's the armchair philosopher in me. I - like Gervais - am curious about what a world would look like where no one can lie. So it frustrates me that I can poke gaping holes in his answer to that question with just a few moments of critical thinking - makes it seem like a lazy movie.

I couldn't make any sense of it. Apparently it's a world where nobody is ever mistaken either? I didn't get why when he invented lying and told the bank person he had money she didn't just go "No sorry sir, you're mistaken". "I invented the bike!" "No, you're mistaken, the bike's older than you are. Are you feeling

Wait Robert Deniro? His was the worst for me, just really dull. Was that meant to be the joke, like "hey we got this great legend and had him just sit there and do nothing"?

I really liked the pilot at the time, I mean I'd be interested to re-watch it now years later, but my memory is it wasn't nearly so mawkish as the series turned out. It didn't have all the overwrought piano music and didn't have a time-killing montage set to Coldplay. It was more a low-key presentation like the Office

I don't know if the author is one for reading comments but if so, they really need to try combining marmite with peanut butter on toast. It's a stodgy, tart work of brilliance

I find the production a bit stilted on In the Court, great songs but a slightly cold/lo fi execution that makes it hard to really love

He seems to have continued the style of Derek, in which other characters appear in talking-head interviews to tell you how you're supposed to feel about the main character. "[Main character]'s alright really innee, bit annoyin, but 'is 'eart's in the right place, know wha' I mean?"

I don't know if I'd agree, although the only 2 I can remember are the one about Slough and Equality Street. I thought the failing was that the songs, while not great, are still too good for the storyline - all the gigs have the audience staring slack jawed at how supposedly terrible this band is, but they aren't

He does laugh in this. A lot. But his laugh has developed in an exciting new direction, now taking on the form of a sort of nervous, low-key falsetto snigger. I would say roughly 50% of his line readings end with one.

I prefer the version of Heaven Beside You. Wrenching, in a beautiful way

I was really into reading about the film at the time, absorbing all the backstory they put on the website etc, I seem to remember you could find plenty of people online who seemed fooled (initially at least), a lot of them were your crazy religious types who were treating it as proof of satan or whatever.

[SPOILER] I was really taken with the time element of this, and I'd love to see a movie that ran with that angle. E.g - Talia and Lane show up after a few hours but it's been 5 days of non stop horrific night for them - make a movie about those 5 days. Show the gradual realisation that there's no escape, daylight

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