upton king

I disagree. I've been disappointed in the tone and scope of this column since day one. I thought it would be a celebration of the essence of pop music - why it gets under our skin and how it defines a culture and time. As is, it's simply more of the same self-righteous, self-referential, negative cultural fascism

Dear Noel…
Best thing I have read on AV Club in a long time. Well -written, insightful and historically interesting. Thank you for sparing us the snide, snarky, hipster drivel that permeates this site. It was also nice to read something devoid of excessive personal bias and irrelevant information about the writer.

Be-bouncy sounds like a goat. That's not singing, that's bleating. Only a few of the songs have any sort of melody and the ones that do are god awful cliche's. I love that she takes risks - but rendering something unlistenable? Be-yowly's 4 is her take on Lou Reeds Machine Music?

That's not Amy Winehouse…
That's not Amy Winehouse… that's Gilda Radner doing an updated version of Candy Slice detoxing on-stage, live.

Garbo Talks
Anne Bancroft and Ron Silver… I have a soft spot for this tiny film. The Group, too. Murder on the Orient was so lush. Lots of vaseline on that lens. I also liked Fonda in The Morning After - much less grating and strident than usual, The Verdict and Runnin on Empty - both sweet… but he sure made some

Getting pretentious in the desert
"Mickey Rourke, Megan Fox, and Bill Murray get pretentious in the desert" - So, Megan Fox is Marilyn Monroe, Bill Murray is Clark Gable and Mickey Rourke is that talented actor who's personal life was a total train wreck as he battled personal demons, drug addiction and a series of

Willow Smith?
Is this the remake Will Smith is putting together for his daughter Willow? Have they announced who's taking the De Niro role? James Franco? Larry the Cable Guy? OOOO…. Adam Sandler. Then there can be lots of gratuitous nut crushing scenes. Those… are… always… funny.

" unleashed the public's protective/ambiguously racist side (the two tend to go hand in hand). "

Lily is one of a kind.

Dave Chappelle?
"What's your opinion on comedians like Richard Pryor, Dave Chappelle, and Lenny Bruce, whose politics ultimately took a toll on them?"

A reasonable jury would return a verdict stating that she owes 99 cents per song and round it up to $24.00. They would also send a message back to the lawyers and the RIAA to stop being such total douche bags. The industry has changed. The world has changed. How is sharing a song via the internet any different

Biggles - actually most of them have two parents; two horrified, uncomprehending parents. Which I guess is at the heart of this type of prejudice. Imagine what it must feel like when even your own parents not being able to understand or accept who and what you are. Of course, that has nothing to do with the term

Sean Young needs to do a Lifetime TV Movie about Joan Crawford - she is perfect for the role, with her stunning looks and boatload of bat-sh*t crazy. I've long been a fan - of Ms. Young, Joan Crawford, Lifetime TV Movies and bat-sh*t craziness. Hell, let's get to the heart of the matter here - skip the ice skates,

Tranny Hookers Rule. F*ck GLAAD. They're way off base on this. I'm hypersensitive to the usual homophobia nonsense (you know, where someone is trying to be funny, but miss the boat), but the word Tranny isn't negative, it's a noun or an adjective. I'm always calling out the phobes on this board for their lame

To Quote:
" …a book that consumed the last year of my life." You died? Or did the English language?

And as to historical accuracy…? Where are the glory holes?

I only enjoy the eras during which copious amounts of butt-f*ckery took place in the corners of monasteries, church vestibules, the snacks aisle of the local Piggly Wiggly and picnic pavilions at local parks.

Yay! Sleeping with losers.
It never goes out of style! Which is a good thing for all of you (and me). Nothing is as intoxicating as that special combination of desperation, failure and anal lube. Except huffing paint thinner, something else I suspect the people who post here have in common (me included). Yay!

Wake me up! Before you go-go. Cuz getting peed on in the bed's a no-no.
Getting peed on in the bed would be a portentous event, unless you like that sort of thing. Another portenteous event would be to contemplate having to listen to the music listed in this column. Oh, the gloaming. WHAM!

That's not me, troll. You're looking in a mirror.