upton king

So… the announcement of a reality show starring a bunch of tranny hookers gives this board license to rip on out of the closet pop musicians? Oh, yeah… that… makes… sense. Because? Everything is a reason to rip on gays? I must be missing the point, because I KNOW there are no homophobes on this site. You're all

Van Halen is sooooo gay - the gay just drips from their torn, old, used, anuses (especially when that Hager dude was the lead singer - oh, wait - that was when they just totally sucked dick). That's a funny word… anuses. Anooooooossessesss. Anyway… yeah. Totally gay. Might As Well Jump!

Kurt Cobain…
Kurt Cobain died for your whims.

"That said, it is kind of catchy."
Catchy? Like… homophobia? That's so cute. That is soooo cute of you. And irresponsible. But, hey… if it's catchy, then it's O.K. Yeah, I get it. No, I really do. I GET YOU. You're cute that way. And homphobic. But.. really… really cute about it. You know????

"While you were celebrating with your family and loved ones on the most specialest day of the year, I was luxuriating in self-hatred with some of the worst food and entertainment known to man. "

"I have loved David since I was 23," Ms. Rosen said. "He makes me feel as lovely and youthful as I was in my 20s." She added, gratefully, "Makes looking in the mirror" a lot easier."

"Bette Davis was not ever an attractive woman."