
Thank you, Oliver, and everyone for shining a light on these works. I had the same reaction growing up with these shows as you did, and they're just as close to my heart. I'm grateful that both the A.V. Club and the reviewers they found to tackle them did such justice.

For me, the most amazing moment was one of the most subtle: the shot from inside the birthday party's house. In the kitchen, the parents are making treats. We see through the window the back of Randy's head and just the expressions of some of the kids' faces.

Just read what you wrote (I was typing my own while you posted it—Internet speeds, everybody!), and you also have a good point.

Hmm. You've got a point. We can argue about how convenient it may be for The Doctor as to when he trots out those different scales of morality, but that doesn't make them invalid.

I agree on both fronts: Danny is right; his part wasn't under or overwritten, he's seeing things from the outside, and it's clear there is a big connection. It's not the character who's wrong, or even the emotional reality of it. What felt wrong to me was the larger decision not to let Clara and the Doctor have a

First: Courtney goes from "I'm scared now and I want to go home" to "I'm bored"—did that make anyone else hate her? Oh, bored now, are you?

That's Shoah business!

I think Pete Campbell has a problem with injustice.

This, this, 1000x this.

Everything Sean O'Neal writes cracks me up. No one on the Web is doing "exasperated professional snark" as well.

Crazy idea: regeneration goes wrong, #12 is an infant. An actual infant. The show follows the adventures of the Doctor's kick-ass nurse.

I was shocked at first, because they're playing Finn's budding adolescence so delicately. But these are clearly not human, and perhaps don't even have discrete personalities. Hard to tell, but they felt more like fairies—playful, innocent, and it's we who impose our sexual vision upon them. Like Party God, I get the

Oop, you're right. Kubric would have been a birthday or a toilet.

"See you next Wednesday": A Kubric reference? [EDIT: John Landis, thanks Obey the Toaster!]
Warwick Davis's hat: A Gilliam/"Time Bandits" reference?
"Sub ether": a Douglas Addams reference?
"Ansible": a LeGuin reference?

Yep. I found moments to enjoy, that was one of them. Especially his demonstration with the staff.

While I loved the 2003 Teen Titans, I'm afraid I didn't like tonight's re-imagining. My problem wasn't with voice acting (excellent), or even the screenplay (some engaging moments). It was the story, the low stakes and the ADHD directing. It felt ver MadTv alright, and sadly, that's not a compliment.

With its red line on a black ground and round camera lenses and the neutral lay of her voice, I thought the computer was as much a HAL9000 as SkyNet (with maybe a touch of M5 for you old-school StarTrek folks).

I'm not too worried about the show establishing character traits. After all, everyone knows Bart's allergic to both butterscotch and imitation butterscotch, but it's never come up again.*

Welcome aboard, Alex! You've got big shoes to fill, so the next time they do a Taste Test, have them save some of that vodka-flavored cheese or cool-ranch mushroom breakfast bars or whatever: jam them up into the toes and behind the heel. Delicious and snug-fiting.

Thank you for this exceptional article, Mr Rabin. It's clear you wrote it carefully, and you did so out of a dual respect for its subject and your readers—exactly as Roger Ebert wrote all his professional life.