Sexy Dread
Is sexy
zero g coupling…. huh huh
Interesting euphemism "multi-generational planning" coupled with that shot, you know exactly what they're talking about… shades of Moon maybe?
surprisingly, the google hasn't been as helpful as one might think
No seriously, who are these guys?
He's basically the evil mirror image of Batman. Something I predict Nolan'll have fun with. Self made, smart, determined and ruthless as hell. should be interesting.
What are they chanting in the end?
Tried to place the language but can't. Ideas?
You have to cross a river
with a lion, a goat and a bale of hay. You can only take one at a time.
Excerpts from A. Breezy's hilarious, frank, article about being young and very easy
"I learned that pretty much anyone would have sex with me. This at first I thought was because I was "so talented" or "so creative." Later, of course, I realized I was just easy. So I capitalized on it…
Gianna Jun????
But, but, she doesn't even LOOK Chinese
The Host Vs. Super8
still need to decide, thanks for your incisive comments
"Find Your Destiny!"
If I hear one more permutation of that phrase in one more summer blockbuster trailer.. honestly, what does it even mean at this point?
The Host Vs. Super 8
Haven't seen Super 8 yet, but wondering how it compares
Capital Punishment - evolved!
Pack one of em big ol metal freight boxed full o' prisoners. Bury it in the desert. Problem solved.
Sean O'Neal
so, err, what's really going on with him?
yeah, but the incest angle was in the Korean movie. Completely absent from the Japanese story, so you know, maybe not "a little too Japanese for American audiences to get"
That picture
the smouldering sexual tension.. wow
Pig Fat
That's how it get burned right?