Sommalian Sommelier

While reading the synopsis of Lena, all I could think about was Lola from The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. Down to the boyfriend, father etc. Seems like they both react tot heir circumstances in different ways but still…

Damn Whitney


Tecumseh The Cat

Be interesting to get some female perspectives on this. What say you ladies?

Lol @ "dirty fucky things"

As always, excellent article.

I'm trying to figure out what the most outré yet popular enough to be somewhat mainstream fetish out there is. 
Mechanophilia, Vorarephilia, Bicycle pump and balloon fetishists, Spectrophilia, and the segment of the population REALLY into gas pedals.
Most of these even have youtube videos

No mention of Rebelde? The sexiest, most ridiculous high school on earth?

What blew my mind was this show where they brought out people who'd slept with other people's spouses and children… and then the cops come in and arrest their ass at the end of the show!

Interesting to see Lautner with red hair, as per tradition and all

Elah… Elah.. Eeeh! Eeeh!

The Business of Strangers > Love Crime?

This movie had me at Steampunk + Wuxia + Good old fashioned detective story

ha ha


Britta Perry, the album

Kind of boggles the mind there's a statute of limitations on rape, even with solid DNA evidence.

Generally not a fan of the death penalty, more due to the way it's carried out thatn the fact itself.
But guys like this make an unapologetic case for it.