Sommalian Sommelier

"Too risky. Sequels are almost always disappointing."
That my friends is grabbing the goat by the beard… or something

City College
called it bitches!

You know, I was just watching the much reviled rocket episode, and it seems strange now, but that ep had a lot of what eventually seemed to be missing as the show went (past tense now?) on.

Where does community go now?
So Pierce is out for real?

I was gonna say "First off, pp, pop!" But nice one Todd.

Clunky? My dear Blech, I am sorry to say butthe inestimable TVWff begs to differ

Yeah, this looks pretty terrible. There's a certain layered richness in the traditional animation that this style may be capable of, but isn't even trying.

Just sayin' some of us have other things keeping us up till three….. wink. And papa's got a four day weekend!

Finale's Kiss
apparently, we'll be getting an unexpeted kiss to close out this season. Place your bets below gentlemen.

Exactly. sometimes it almost feels like they've painted themselves into a corner. I mean what other kind of homage can they do at this point?

I don't mean to cause a riot dear sirs and some of you madams, but the charming miss Brie seems to have let one of the beans out of the barn between 6:15 and 6:20 If you know what I mean.

Also that was an homage to The Warriors

Part of why it was split, and I may be wrong, it looks like next week is more of a Star Wars homage.

Todd, we all love you and your write ups
But don't make us wait till 3am next time, Some of us have to go to work in the morning ok?

It is the dean of City College. If you look at the guest stars it says Jordan Black is in this episode.

" begins with
Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter…"

well she's only half black, so … you know.

is not a flattering picture.

but do you have white women?

He's not really very clever, or original, and I think that's kind of the point, He's so basic and one note, yet boundlessly exuberant, like a sentient puppy!