Sommalian Sommelier

On the issue of gun control
where exactly does this movie stand? I mean we just can't go around arming our hobos with shotguns!

you really don't want to know

and This is how
you walk on the moon!

Preemptively blocking the inevitable "Hunger games is just like Battle royale, etc" thread.
No it's actually not guys. This argument has been hashed ad nauseam. Here you go.

or Ice Cube, what happened? Will Michael Hanneke be helming Shrek 5 now?

Pirates Of The Caribbean 6
The Somalian's Revenge!

Because Poe wrote on both,

At this point, he's about as gangster
…as Elegant Victorian Lady

The Shakespearean parts
(I probably didn't spell that right) how do they hold up?

perhaps the pedo lust can be allayed by pointing out that yes, although they had cameras everywhere, the book says nothing about having them in bathrooms, just waiting for a particular someone to use them.

Busta Rhymes
Introducing inner city youth to Bernard Hermann since 1998

why would they have a "security camera" in the showers? Eeeew. Brief flashbacks sound more feasible,

welcome back Holt.

You have got to be F
kidding me!

Or like those Sprouse twins. They were in The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things. Jeez! They wear makeup and get raped and everything. Pretty dark stuff.

@ SC IIRC not only Mecca, but Israel, ironically ushering in a new age of peace, and a united political state between Jews and Muslims, cos there's nothing to fight over anymore.

I'm not sure how, but I'd like to be updated on your thoughts re: this book.

Yeah, the Peter thing, that kind of sucked. Dude was a straight up emotionally abusive absolute psychopath who tortured and killed animals for fun, and made Ender love him more than anyone else. Now, he's just some poor misunderstood kid? Please!

Yeah, Dalek, I'd say late in the Shadow series, his rabid right wingism (but he's a registered democrat because of how the Republican party treats Blacks!) just could not be kept off his page any more.