It's funny Todd thought the Jeff/Chang/Shirley
act was dark. While a pretty solid episode, the whole genocide thing kind of brought it to a halt.
It's funny Todd thought the Jeff/Chang/Shirley
act was dark. While a pretty solid episode, the whole genocide thing kind of brought it to a halt.
similar elements, very different stories and themes. Lost and Robinson Crusoe, Dracula and Twilight, Robocop and Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes and The Maltese Falcon.
thirded. the ending wasn't your standard "this-is-how-the-plot-threads-converge" it was pretty messy. in a realistic way.
Very good books. 1. The prose is the opposite of flowery. descriptive. you-are-there.
it is Smeezingtons, you're right.
No home front reference yet?
for shame my cousins!
as long as he's not naked in it
that's cool. Amazing actor, but Before The Devil Knows… was all the naked P.S.H. rear end I'll ever need. thanks very much.
@ Hdb. Testify!
It's 1 guy, 1 jar.
Tropical Malady, Uncle boonme
I don't think I've rarely seen a movie provoke such strong reactions. It's divisive yes, but it seems to resonate on some frequency, good or bad almost everyone.
where's Civil Disobedience?
Thandie Newton
Damn girl! What happened to you?
Wait! what?
Great Job K.P., I love how this review started one way and nonchalantly made that hard left.
So kinda like Bounce
Bu in Kashmir eh?
Jim Caviezel's Unknow
Thought this was it.
snark is easy.
Now that one you could tell came from a real dark place. Man, I'm not sure what it is; it's not the story itself, it's more like his feelings about who and how the Palmer Eldritch / John Locke character was seeped into the book making it very, very existentially bleak.
Agreed, awesome book. The ending is.. tricky. It's sort of ambiguous, and a bit nebulous, I can see why one might say he didn't quite stick the landing, though I disagree.
inception redux
Is it just me or are there several parallels between Inception and Ubik ?
Noomi Rapace - moriarty.